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Artifacts in Aboriginal Cultural Centres

Module Synopsis

This module looks at the preservation of material culture in the context of Aboriginal cultural centres. It covers how various types of materials deteriorate and how best to minimize this deterioration, how to identify and prioritize problems of storage and display of various kinds of artifacts and make informed choices relating to the long-term preservation of collections both indoors and outdoors.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • identify basic deterioration problems of most organic and inorganic materials
  • understand the damaging effects of environmental factors
  • choose proper materials and techniques for storage and display of most types of artifacts found in cultural centres
  • handle artifacts in the most appropriate manner


Organic Material
Deterioration of materials such as wood, basketry, leather (including brain and smoke tanned skin), fur pelts, feathers, hair, textiles, bone, ivory, and paper. How to recognize various kinds of damage and potential threats such as high light levels and humidity. Special problems of artifacts displayed outdoors. Ideas for safe storage, handling, and display of various organic materials. Special problems of artifacts made of both organic and inorganic materials. Close up study of artifacts.

Inorganic Material
Deterioration of materials such as metals, glass beads, shell, ceramics, and stone. How to recognize various kinds of metal corrosion and determine if the corrosion is active or passive. Causes of instability in glass beads and shell, and how to recognize symptoms. Ideas for the safe storage, handling, and display of inorganic artifacts. Special problems of artifacts made of both inorganic and organic materials. Close up study of artifacts.

Target Audience
Cultural centre staff and others in the community interested in the preservation of Aboriginal material culture.

Tom Stone, Janet Mason, Carole Dignard

English, French

Enrollment Limits
Minimum 10; maximum 20

2 days

Last Updated: 2005-6-16

Important Notices

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