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Environmental Guidelines
(light, relative humidity, temperature and pollutants)

Module Synopsis

This is an introduction to the strategic preservation of the collection against agents of deterioration, especially those environmental ones, such as light, relative humidity and atmospheric pollutants. The module will be in the form of a traditional presentation, group exercise, visit to a storage facility and/or exhibit and exercises using computerized equipment.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • understand preservation principles;
  • understand the effects of relative humidity, temperature, light and pollutants on objects;
  • quantify the degree of preservation of objects in a given environment; and
  • implement a preservation strategy based on an analysis of priorities, costs and benefits.


Preservation principles and assessment
Background and examination of the notion of standards versus guidelines. Preservation parameters such as object integrity, its current access (visibility) and its future access (preservation).Notion of preservation target and assessment of the degree of preservation of collections by using risk management concepts.

Sensitivity of objects to light and UV rays. Notion of dose. Preservation assessment of objects against radiation. Guidelines on lighting levels. Reflection and glare problems.

Relative humidity and temperature
Sensitivity of objects to humidity and temperature fluctuations. Preservation assessment of objects against humidity. Guidelines. Control strategies.

Sensitivity of objects to various airborne pollutants in buildings. Preservation assessment of objects against pollutants. Guidelines. Control strategies. Preservation assessment of a collection
Preservation assessment using a simple computer program. Introduction to preservation indexes.

Improved preservation through a costs and benefits analysis.
Set action priorities based on preservation assessment results. Select strategic options based on a costs and benefits analysis. Prepare a preservation plan.

Visits to a collection storage room and/or an exhibit gallery
Application of concepts learned in class. Assessment of a site’s basic environment.

Target Audience

Staff and volunteers involved in collection management including its storage and access.


Jean Tétreault, Cliff Cook


English and French

Enrollment Limits

Minimum 10; maximum 20

Special Requirements

  • meeting room where people can work in groups of 4 or 5
  • one flip chart per group with markers and one flip chart or a white board for the instructors
  • computer/labtop and projector (electric extension cords needed for the installation)
  • screen for powerpoint
  • table for the projector (if necessarily) and a table for our materials
  • if possible, access to an exhibition room

Last Updated: 2006-10-17

Important Notices

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