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General Information

Responsibilities of the Host Institution/Association

As most of these workshops benefit from discussion within the context of a collection, hosts are requested to ensure that participants will have access to storage and display areas. Publicizing the workshop to the appropriate target audience, participant registration, and provision of facilities that meet the special requirements of the selected workshop are also the responsibility of the host.

Additional Advisory Services

CCI workshop facilitators may be able to undertake other advisory services (such as site visits to heritage institutions) in the area while giving a workshop. Such services must be requested when applying for a workshop and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


CCI workshops are generally 2 days in length, although some modules may be customized to a 1- or 3-day format depending on the desired area of emphasis.


Due to the hands-on nature of these workshops, enrollment must be limited to ensure that all participants enjoy the best possible learning experience. Limits vary according to the module.


All of CCI's Outreach Programming is available both nationally and internationally.

Last Updated: 2005-10-6

Important Notices

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