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Packing and Shipping Cultural Property

Module Synopsis

This module provides an awareness of important issues to consider when crating fragile works of art. It begins with a practical overview of shipping hazards and the susceptibility of artwork to these hazards. Packaging concepts and theory are taught with presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on activities. Participants have an opportunity to apply their knowledge by designing a protective package for several highly fragile clay test items and conducting drop tests on their designs. Test results provide interesting and realistic examples of packaging principles and ways that damage can take place. Participants are encouraged to bring objects for discussion and to share their questions, concerns, or experiences in packaging and exhibitions.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • estimate the intensity of shipping hazards, as well as when and where
  • they occur
  • evaluate the risk that shipping hazards pose to different museum objects

  • reduce the susceptibility of museum artifacts to force
  • understand shock and how shock damage occurs
  • understand vibration concepts and how vibration damage occurs
  • recognize the issues involved in moving large objects
  • choose suitable cushion materials for a given packaging requirement
  • understand a variety of crating systems and designs
  • identify the most important features of a protective package
  • design better packages for highly fragile or valuable objects
  • understand the properties of commonly used packing materials


  • Shipping hazards and how to estimate them
  • Shock and vibration terms and concepts
  • The susceptibility of artwork to forces
  • Forces arising during the handling and transport phases of shipment
  • Assessing the risks that forces pose to museum objects
  • Handling considerations for small and large items
  • Handling methods for large, heavy objects up to approximately 2275 kg (about 5000 lbs.)
  • Why things go wrong — examples of shipping damage
  • Fundamental issues for every shipment
  • Case studies of successful package designs
  • A practical packaging strategy that works
  • The proper selection and use of cushioning materials
  • Crating: design alternatives and performance criteria
  • Environmental control issues during shipment
  • How packaging components work together as a system
  • Package performance evaluation
  • Shock and vibration monitors
  • Information and resources

Target Audience

Preparators, conservators, registrars, exhibition designers, art transportation firm employees, artists.


Paul Marcon


English, French

Enrollment Limits

Minimum 9; maximum 21


2 days

Special Requirements

The host institution must provide:

  • a lecture hall or small room with a projection screen
  • a table for demonstration items in the lecture room
  • a work area (can also be in lecture room) with three tables for the packaging exercise with nearby electrical outlets for hot melt glue guns or other tools
  • a loading bay or outdoor area with a hard concrete or pavement surface for drop tests and a hanging point capable of supporting a load of about 45 kg (approx. 100 lbs.)
  • basic tools (requirements can be discussed, or CCI can supply)
  • materials (requirements can be discussed, or CCI can supply)
  • access to the venue for one day prior to the course to set up demonstration materials and a package test site

Last Updated: 2006-10-23

Important Notices

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