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Policy on Revenue Generation

Effective Date
  April 1, 2007.

  This Policy applies to the delivery of expert services and training by CCI to eligible clients in the heritage community in Canada and internationally; it does not apply to CCI’s research and development program.

bullet CCI’s mission is to support the heritage community in preserving Canada’s heritage collections for access by current and future generations. This mission is accomplished through conservation research and development, expert services, and knowledge dissemination. [To be confirmed]
bullet CCI provides expert services and training to eligible clients in Canada and, where applicable, internationally.
bullet CCI’s appropriated budget from the Government of Canada not only funds the Institute’s research and development program, but also supports the delivery of expert services and training to its primary clients in Canada, in accordance with its mandate.
bullet As a Special Operating Agency of the Government of Canada, CCI is expected to promote cost-effective and business-like service delivery.
bullet CCI is required to recover some of the costs of delivering services and training so that current levels of service can be maintained and new services can be developed and made available to address emerging challenges of conservation and preventive conservation.

Policy Statement
bullet CCI provides the majority of its expert services and training at no charge to its primary clients in Canada, i.e. museums, art galleries, archives, libraries, and historic sites, whose primary role is to acquire, conserve, research, communicate, and exhibit (for purposes of study, education, and enjoyment) permanent heritage collections that are accessible to the Canadian public.
bullet CCI also provides expert services and training to public authorities and other organizations in Canada that have responsibility for heritage objects or collections, on the basis of partial or full cost recovery.
bullet A limited number of services are available to private-sector clients in Canada and international clients, on the basis of full cost recovery.

Policy Requirements
bullet The implementation of this Policy is through the CCI Fee Schedule, which clearly identifies the eligible client categories, the services available to each eligible client category, and the corresponding fees.
bullet CCI’s revenue generation activities will take into consideration Government of Canada guidelines and legislation on revenue generation, and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Policy on Service Standards for External Fees.
bullet CCI’s revenue generation activities will not unduly restrict service levels to primary clients in the Canadian heritage community, and their ability to access services related to the heritage policies of the Department of Canadian Heritage. 
bullet The acceptance of requests for services and training will be based on the CCI Assessment Criteria, and not on the potential of the request to generate revenue.
bullet CCI’s revenue generation activities will take into consideration the fact that some services and expertise provided by CCI are also available in Canada from the private sector, while others are available only from CCI.

Fees for Eligible Client Categories
bullet CCI’s primary clients, i.e. museums, art galleries, archives, libraries, and historic sites whose primary role is to acquire, conserve, research, communicate, and exhibit (for purposes of study, education, and enjoyment) permanent heritage collections that are accessible to the Canadian public, have access to most services at no charge; the remaining services are available for a nominal user fee or on the basis of partial cost recovery. This fee reflects the fact that CCI is mandated to serve the museum community.
bullet Federal, provincial, and municipal governments that have responsibility for heritage objects or collections have access to most services on the basis of full cost recovery. This fee is in recognition of the fact that government departments receive appropriations to cover the costs of the preservation of their collections.
bullet Conservation and heritage training programs in Canada have access to only selected services, which are offered for a fixed user fee or at partial cost recovery. This fee reflects their role in supporting the heritage community.
bullet Incorporated, not-for-profit community-based organizations (representing Aboriginal, ethno-cultural, or religious communities) have access to most CCI services on the basis of full cost recovery.
bullet Private-sector clients in Canada have access to limited services on the basis of full cost recovery.
bullet Foreign clients have access to training services and to selected other services (under exceptional circumstances) on the basis of full cost recovery.
bullet Services to the Department of Canadian Heritage (e.g. technical assessments of facilities for the Movable Cultural Property Program and the Canada Travelling Exhibition Indemnification Program) are provided at no charge, given that CCI receives departmental funding to provide these services.

Charging Approaches
  The following charging approaches are applied as appropriate to various services and eligible client categories, as reflected in the CCI Fee Schedule
bullet No Charge. All expenses related to the work are covered by CCI’s appropriation.
bullet Cost Recovery Level 1. Staff time is charged at the rate of $60/hour ($85/hour overtime), based on the recovery of labour costs only.
bullet Cost Recovery Level 2. Staff time is charged at the rate of $100/hour ($125/hour for overtime), based on the recovery of labour costs and indirect costs (administrative, financial, and clerical support; general equipment and supplies; management; etc.).
bullet Cost Recovery Level 3. Staff time is charged at the rate of $125/hour ($150/hour for overtime), based on the recovery of labour costs, indirect costs (administrative, financial, and clerical support; general equipment and supplies; management; etc.), and infrastructure costs (building-related costs, research and development, etc.).
bullet Fixed User Fee. A flat fee is charged for training and other services delivered on site. The exact fee is based on the category of eligible client and the type of service, but is the same regardless of where the client is located (CCI absorbs additional costs of travel and accommodation to ensure that the principle of equity for all CCI clients, regardless of their location, is maintained).
bullet Related Expenses. Direct costs incurred by CCI in providing the service are charged to the client. These include, but are not limited to, the following: transportation, accommodation, per diem (as per Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Travel Directive), travel time, materials, shipping and equipment rental.
bullet Overtime. CCI reserves the right to charge for overtime that is requested by the client, even if the service is provided at no charge. In situations when CCI unilaterally decides to deliver all or part of the service outside normal working hours, CCI will absorb the costs of overtime.
bullet Exceptional Service Fee. For services that are normally provided at no charge, CCI reserves the right to charge a fee if the project is beyond the regular service offering and would result in inequitable distribution of service to other primary clients (e.g. the project is time-consuming and requires an excessive amount of CCI resources; the project requires expertise that is not available at CCI and must be contracted out; the project has a deadline for completion that could not be met without overtime; and the project necessitates the purchase of special equipment and materials). The fee is based on Cost Recovery Level 1 and full cost recovery of all Related Expenses.
bullet The Exhibit Transportation Services section of CCI provides services on the basis of full cost recovery, according to an established charging formula that takes into account the size of the shipment, the distance to the destination, and the sharing of cargo space.

  Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Policy on Service Standards for External Fees
  Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Travel Directive           

  CCI Assessment Criteria
  CCI Eligible Client Categories.
  CCI List of Services.

CCI Policy on Referrals to Private-sector Conservators in Canada.


Last Updated: 2007-3-8

Important Notices

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