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Decisions of the Federal Court
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Source and quality of the decisions published on this site

The decisions rendered by the judges of the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal are filed in the Registry of the Court. The files of those decisions are then converted to HTML and made public on this site. All efforts are made to offer a useful resource to the Canadian public. However, the copies offered on this site do not possess the authenticity needed for professional usage. There can also be conversion problems. If you discover such problems, we would appreciate being informed so that necessary corrections can be made.

As required by the Official Languages Act, information on our web site must be made available in both official languages. However, due to the large number of decisions released by the Court, it may take several months before the translated version of certain decisions is made available. If the decision you are seeking is not available in both official languages, please be assured that it will be made available in the second official language as soon as possible.

It should also be noted that some decisions rendered before 2001 are not available in electronic format and therefore are not accessible on this site. We invite you to contact the Registry to obtain them.

Paper copies of any decision are available by calling Distribution and Translation Services at (613) 995-5296 or by fax at (613) 947-4184. Please note that there is a 40 cents a page fee required by the rules of the court.

Please send all your comments to

Description of the collection

The collection available on this site is comprised of close to 10,000 decisions rendered by the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal (former Federal Court of Canada) since 1997. From 1997 to 2001, the decisions were published by the Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs. From April 1st 2001 on, the decisions are published by the Distribution Services section of the Registries of the Courts, with the collaboration of the LexUM lab at the University of Montreal.

This site combines the collection from the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs (1997 to March 2001) with the new decisions rendered since April 1st 2001. These two collections have been combined to offer a unique collection of all decisions rendered since 1997.

Use of documents published on this site

Please refer to the general conditions expressed in the Important Notices page.

March 2004

Modified: 2007-04-26 Top of the page Important Notices
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