Coat of Arms Federal Court of Appeal

Hearing List

  Target Periods

Proceedings Queries

Legislation, Rules and Forms

Assessment of Costs

Request for Interpreter

Useful Links


National Hearing List:       HTML       Printer-friendly HTML  
Ontario Sittings HTML Printer-friendly HTML
Quebec Sittings HTML Printer-friendly HTML
Western Sittings HTML Printer-friendly HTML
Eastern Sittings HTML Printer-friendly HTML
Territories Sittings HTML Printer-friendly HTML


The language of the hearing and of the style of cause reflected on the hearing list has been deduced from the Court record.

Court hearings are open to the public unless, for special reasons, the Court directs that the hearing be held in camera.

Abbreviations or symbols used in the hearing list:

(JR)Judicial Review
(REF)Reference (s. 18.3)
(RFR)Reference (R. 153)
(CONTP)Show Cause Hearing
(SR)Status Review
(PHC)Pre-Hearing Conference
(CMC)Case Management Conference
(DRC)Dispute Resolution Conference
(MED)Dispute Resolution Conference - mediation
(ENA)Dispute Resolution Conference - early neutral evaluation
(TC)By Teleconference
(VC)By Videoconference
(h): Hours
(min): Minutes
(d): Days
(-): Not Available

Modified: 2005-06-07 Top of Page Important Notices
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