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Registry Offices


This Court has one Registry for all of Canada. That Registry consists of a principal office in Ottawa and local offices in the different parts of the country where convenience of litigants makes it expedient that there be such offices. These offices are located as follows:

Alberta - Calgary
Alberta - Edmonton
British Columbia - Vancouver
Manitoba - Winnipeg
New Brunswick - Fredericton
New Brunswick - Saint John
Newfoundland and Labrador - St. John's
Northwest Territories - Yellowknife
Nova Scotia - Halifax
Ontario - Toronto
Prince Edward Island - Charlottetown
Quebec - Montréal
Quebec - Québec
Saskatchewan - Regina
Saskatchewan - Saskatoon
Yukon Territory - Whitehorse
Nunavut - Iqaluit

The officer who has overall responsibility for the operation of the Registry is known as the Administrator of the Court.

Any party in any proceeding may file documents, have writs issued, or otherwise do business with the Registry in the office of the Registry which is most convenient to him or her. Each of the parties may then continue to deal with the particular office that is most conveniently located. All original court files are maintained in the principal office of the Registry in Ottawa, but certified copies of all documents on any particular file are maintained in each of the local offices where any of the parties prefers to deal with the Registry.

Local offices are of two kinds. In some places, the Court has its own full-time staff and an office operated solely for the Court. In others, arrangements have been made to operate an office of the Registry in conjunction with the registries of provincial or territorial superior courts.

Last updated: 2005-12-05 Return to top of page Important Notices

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