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Vol. 140, No. 20 — October 4, 2006

SOR/2006-219 September 21, 2006


Rules Amending the Federal Courts Rules

The rules committee of the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court, pursuant to section 46 (see footnote a) of the Federal Courts Act (see footnote b), hereby makes the annexed Rules Amending the Federal Courts Rules.

Ottawa, August 17, 2006

John D. Richard
Chief Justice of the
Federal Court of Appeal

P.C. 2006-1016 September 21, 2006

Whereas, pursuant to paragraph 46(4)(a) (see footnote c) of the Federal Courts Act (see footnote d), a copy of the proposed Rules Amending the Federal Courts Rules, substantially in the annexed form, was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on February 11, 2006 and interested persons were invited to make representations with respect to the proposed Rules;

Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice, pursuant to section 46 (see footnote e), of the Federal Courts Act (see footnote f), hereby approves the annexed Rules Amending the Federal Courts Rules, made by the rules committee of the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court.

  1. Rule 17 of the Federal Courts Rules (see footnote 1) is replaced by the following:
Principal office and local offices 17. The principal office is located in Ottawa and local offices are located in Calgary, Charlottetown, Edmonton, Fredericton, Halifax, Iqaluit, Montreal, Quebec City, Regina, Saint John, Saskatoon, St. John's, Toronto, Vancouver, Whitehorse, Winnipeg and Yellowknife.
  2. Subsection 258(4) of the Rules is replaced by the following:
Documents (4) A pre-trial conference memorandum shall be accompanied by a copy of all documents that are intended to be used at trial that may be of assistance at the pre-trial conference, including all affidavits or statements of expert witnesses.
Expert's affidavit or statement (5) An affidavit or a statement of an expert witness shall set out in full the proposed evidence of the expert and, in the case of a statement, must be in writing, signed by the expert and accompanied by a solicitor's certificate.
  3. Rule 262 of the Rules is replaced by the following:
Pre-trial conference memoranda 262. Every party, other than the party who filed the requisition for a pre-trial conference, shall serve and file a pre-trial conference memorandum within 30 days after being served with the requisition.
  4. Paragraph 263(c) of the Rules is replaced by the following:
(c) any issues arising from any affidavits or statements of expert witnesses, and the need for any additional or rebuttal expert witness evidence;
  5. Rule 265 of the Rules is renumbered as subsection 265(1) and is amended by adding the following:
Service of expert's affidavit or statement (2) If applicable, the order shall set out the time for service of any additional or rebuttal affidavits or statements of expert witnesses.
  6. (1) The portion of rule 279 of the Rules before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Admissibility of expert's evidence 279. Unless the Court orders otherwise, no expert witness's evidence is admissible at the trial of an action in respect of any issue unless
  (2) Paragraph 279(b) of the Rules is replaced by the following:
(b) an affidavit or statement of the expert witness prepared in accordance with subsection 258(5) has been served in accordance with subsection 258(1), rule 262 or an order made under rule 265; and
  7. (1) The portion of subsection 280(1) of the Rules before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Tendering of expert's evidence at trial 280. (1) An expert witness's evidence may be tendered at trial by
  (2) Paragraph 280(1)(a) of the English version of the Rules is replaced by the following:
(a) the reading into evidence by the witness of all or part of an affidavit or statement referred to in paragraph 279(b);
  (3) Subsections 280(2) and (3) of the English version of the Rules are replaced by the following:
Affidavit taken as read (2) With leave of the Court and the consent of all parties, all or part of an affidavit or statement referred to in paragraph 279(b) may be taken as read into evidence by the witness.
Prohibition on pre-trial cross-examination (3) Except with leave of the Court, there shall be no cross-examination before trial on an affidavit or statement referred to in paragraph 279(b).
  8. Rule 281 of the Rules is repealed.
  9. (1) The portion of subsection 299(1) of the Rules before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Evidence adduced by affidavit 299. (1) In the trial of a simplified action, unless the Court directs otherwise, the evidence of each party shall be adduced by affidavit, which shall, subject to subsections (1.1) and (1.2), be served and filed
  (2) Rule 299 of the Rules is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):
Admissibility of expert's evidence (1.1) Unless the Court orders otherwise, no evidence in chief of an expert witness is admissible at the trial of an action in respect of any issue unless
(a) the issue has been defined by the pleadings or in an order made under rule 265;
(b) an affidavit, or a statement in writing signed by the expert witness and accompanied by a solicitor's certificate, that sets out in full the proposed evidence has been served on all other parties at least 60 days before the commencement of the trial; and
(c) the expert witness is available at the trial for cross-examination.
Admissibility of rebuttal evidence (1.2) Except with leave of the Court, no expert's evidence to rebut evidence in an affidavit or statement served under paragraph (1.1)(b) is admissible unless an affidavit, or a statement in writing signed by the expert witness and accompanied by a solicitor's certificate, that sets out in full the rebuttal evidence has been served on all other parties at least 30 days before the commencement of the trial.
  (3) Subsection 299(3) of the Rules is replaced by the following:
Reply evidence (3) Reply evidence, including that of an expert witness, may be provided orally at trial.
  10. Paragraph 309(2)(c) of the Rules is replaced by the following:
(c) any order in respect of which the application is made and any reasons, including dissenting reasons, given in respect of that order;
  11. Subsection 317(1) of the French version of the Rules is replaced by the following:
Matériel en la possession de l'office fédéral 317. (1) Toute partie peut demander la transmission des documents ou des éléments matériels pertinents quant à la demande, qu'elle n'a pas mais qui sont en la possession de l'office fédéral dont l'ordonnance fait l'objet de la demande, en signifiant à l'office une requête à cet effet puis en la déposant. La requête précise les documents ou les éléments matériels demandés.
  12. The portion of subsection 329(1) of the Rules before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Affidavit 329. (1) An affidavit filed in an application under rule 327 shall be accompanied by an exemplified or certified copy of the foreign judgment, any reasons, including dissenting reasons, given in respect of that judgment and a copy of any arbitration agreement under which the judgment was awarded and shall state
  13. Paragraph 344(1)(c) of the Rules is replaced by the following:
(c) the order appealed from, as signed and entered, and any reasons, including dissenting reasons, given in respect of that order;
  14. Paragraph 353(2)(a) of the Rules is replaced by the following:
(a) the order in respect of which leave to appeal is sought and any reasons, including dissenting reasons, given in respect of that order;
  15. Subsection 406(1) of the Rules is replaced by the following:
Obtaining appointment 406. (1) A party who is entitled to costs may obtain a notice of appointment for assessment by filing a bill of costs, a copy of the order or other document giving rise to the party's entitlement to costs and any reasons, including dissenting reasons, given in respect of that order.
  16. Paragraph 3(a) of Form 327 to the Rules is replaced by the following:
(a) an exemplified or certified copy of the foreign judgment and any reasons, including dissenting reasons, given in respect of that judgment;
  17. These Rules come into force on the day on which they are registered.


(This statement is not part of the Rules.)


The purpose of the Rules Amending the Federal Courts Rules is to effect the following four changes:

(1) To amend the Rules regarding the evidence of expert witnesses to be submitted prior to pre- trial conferences. This would not apply to simplified actions. By way of background, the main Rule addressing the affidavits of expert witnesses, and the admissibility of that evidence, is rule 279. Further, rule 281 addresses the admissibility of rebuttal evidence of experts. Finally, rule 258 pertains to pre-trial conferences. There are other Rules related to the above which will require consequential amendments.

(2) To amend the Rules in order to include reasons and dissenting reasons for an order or judgment in certain records and appeal books.

(3) To effect a minor amendment in order to update the Rules (rule 17 regarding local offices).

(4) To effect a minor amendment in order to harmonize the Rules (French and English in rule 317, regarding material in the possession of a tribunal).

Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, the Federal Court of Appeal and Federal Court Rules Committee can make, amend or cancel any rule.

The proposed Rules were pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on February 11, 2006. No representations were made.

Rationale for the proposed amendments

(1) Expert Witnesses:

With respect to the amendments made to the Rules regarding expert witnesses, the Rules Committee considers them to be necessary for the following reasons:

(a) There is currently no requirement to prepare the affidavits of expert witnesses for the pre-trial conference. Some or all of such affidavits could still be admissible at trial so long as the relevant affidavits have been served on other parties at least 60 days, or 30 days in the case of rebuttal, before the trial's commencement.

(b) The parties should be ready for trial at the pre-trial conference. Such readiness facilitates the setting of earlier trial dates. All expert reports need to be available at the pre-trial conference to ensure that the parties are ready for trial.

(c) Full and candid settlement discussion is only possible at the pre-trial conference stage if all expert reports are available.

(d) The expense inherent in obtaining expert reports may assist in drawing to the attention of litigants the benefits of settlement at an earlier stage in the process if the reports are required to be available at the pre-trial conference.

(e) Judges and prothonotaries are now abridging the time for the exchange of expert reports because of concern regarding the late dates on which the reports will otherwise be provided.

(2) Inclusion of reasons and dissenting reasons for an order or judgment:

The Rules Committee is of the view that the Rules should clearly specify that every order filed pursuant to rules 309(2)(c), 329(1), 353(2)(a) and 406(1) should be accompanied by both the reasons for that order and any dissenting reasons. Since reasons are not necessarily issued at the same time as an order, the Committee determined that the amended Rules should refer to "any reasons, including dissenting reasons, issued in respect of it".

(3) Update re Local Offices:

Given that there is a new local office opened in Iqaluit, Nunavut, the Rules Committee is of the view that rule 17 should be amended to reflect this new reality and list it along with the other local offices.

(4) Harmonization of English and French in Rule 317:

The English version of rule 317 indicates that a party may not request the transmission of material that is already in that party's possession. However, the French version is silent on this matter.

The English version reads:

317. (1) A party may request material relevant to an application that is in the possession of a tribunal whose order is the subject of the application and not in the possession of the party by serving on the tribunal and filing a written request, identifying the material requested.

The current French version of rule 317 does not clearly convey the notion that the request can only relate to material "not in the possession of the party". Depending on which version of the Rule one follows, a federal board may be faced with requests to reproduce documents that a party already has. In the interest of greater clarity, the Rules Committee seeks to amend the French version of rule 317 in order to make it consistent with the English.

Technical description

In order to achieve the objectives described above regarding the Rules Amending the Federal Courts Rules (the "Rules"), the Rules Committee amends the following Rules:

(1) Expert Witnesses:

Subsection 258(4) of the Rules is replaced in order to provide for documents to be filed in a pre-trial conference memorandum. Subsection 258(5) is added in order to address the content of expert affidavits or statements.

Rule 262 of the Rules is replaced to provide for pre-trial conference memoranda.

Paragraph 263(c) of the Rules is replaced, such that the rule may specify the scope of a pre-trial conference.

Rule 265 of the Rules is renumbered as subsection 265(1) and amended in order to account for the service of expert affidavits or statements.

The portion of rule 279 of the Rules before paragraph (a) is replaced in order to remove the distinction between expert evidence in chief and rebuttal evidence.

Paragraph 279(b) of the Rules is replaced, to provide for the introduction of expert evidence at the trial of an action.

The portion of subsection 280(1) of the Rules before paragraph (a) is replaced in order to remove the distinction between expert evidence in chief and rebuttal evidence.

Paragraph 280(1)(a) of the English version of the Rules is replaced as a result of the amendment to paragraph 279(b) of the Rules.

Subsections 280(2) and (3) of the English version of the Rules are replaced as a result of the amendment to paragraph 279(b) of the Rules.

Rule 281 is repealed since the distinction between expert evidence in chief and rebuttal evidence has been removed.

The portion of subsection 299(1) of the Rules before paragraph (a) is replaced, in order to provide for evidence adduced by way of affidavit in the trial of a simplified action.

Amendments to Rule 299 are made by the addition of subsection (1.1), regarding the admissibility of expert evidence; and the addition of subsection (1.2), with respect to the admissibility of rebuttal evidence.

Subsection 299(3) of the Rules is replaced in order to address reply evidence.

(2) Inclusion of reasons and dissenting reasons for an order or judgment:

Paragraph 309(2)(c) of the Rules is amended to include "reasons, including dissenting reasons, issued in respect of that order" in terms of the content of the applicant's record.

The portion of subsection 329(1) of the Rules before paragraph (a) is replaced in order to include affidavits filed in an application for registration of a foreign judgment, and "any reasons, including dissenting reasons, issued in respect of it".

Paragraph 344(1)(c) of the Rules regarding the content of the appeal book is amended to include "any reasons, including dissenting reasons, issued in respect of it" .

Amendments are made to paragraph 353(2)(a) of the Rules regarding the content of the motion record in the context of Motions for leave to appeal, so as to include "any reasons, including dissenting reasons, issued in respect of that order" .

Amendments are made to subsection 406(1) of the Rules with respect to obtaining a notice of appointment for assessment, so as to include "any reasons, including dissenting reasons, issued in respect of that order".

Amendments are made to paragraph 3(a) of Form 327 in order to specify that "an exemplified or certified copy of the foreign judgment, and any reasons, including dissenting reasons, issued in respect of it" may be included as documentary evidence to be relied on in support of a Notice of Application for registration of a foreign judgment.

(3) Update re Local Offices:

Rule 17 of the Federal Courts Rules is amended to include the new local office in Iqaluit, along with the other local offices listed therein.

(4) Harmonization of English and French in Rule 317:

The French version of Rule 317 is amended as follows to make it consistent with the English, with regard to material in the possession of a federal board:

317. (1) Toute partie peut demander la transmission des documents ou des éléments matériels pertinents quant à la demande, qu'elle n'a pas mais qui sont en la possession de l'office fédéral dont l'ordonnance fait l'objet de la demande, en signifiant à l'office une requête à cet effet puis en la déposant. La requête précise les documents ou les éléments matériels demandés.

Benefits and Costs

There are no costs associated with these amendments.


The Federal Courts Rules' Committee issued a "Discussion Paper", entitled Service of Expert Witnesses' Affidavits Prior to the Pre-Trial Conference in September 2004. This working paper raised the issue of making the admissibility of expert witnesses' evidence conditional upon the service of affidavits, setting out the proposed evidence of the experts before the holding of the pre-trial conference under the Federal Court Rules, 1998.

The Discussion Paper, along with a Notice to the Profession by the Honourable John D. Richard, Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal, were distributed to the legal community, including hundreds of lawyers across Canada, as well as provincial and federal organizations such as bar associations. The Discussion Paper was also posted on the websites of both the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court, and is still available under the heading "Bulletins - Notices to the Profession". Written comments on the Discussion Paper were requested by October 15, 2004. All comments received during that period were considered in detail by the Rules Committee when developing the proposed amendments to the Rules regarding expert witnesses.

With respect to the other consequential amendments regarding the inclusion of reasons and any dissenting reasons for orders or judgment; the local office in Iqaluit; and the harmonization of rule 317, the plenary Rules Committee was consulted and was of the view that they should be amended for greater clarity.

The proposed Rules were pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on February 11, 2006. No representations were made.


François Giroux
Secretary of the Rules Committee of the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H9
Telephone: (613) 995-5063
FAX: (613) 941-9454

Footnote a

S.C. 2002, c. 8, s. 44

Footnote b

S.C. 2002, c. 8, s. 14

Footnote c

S.C. 1990, c. 8, s. 14(4)

Footnote d

S.C. 2002, c. 8, s. 14

Footnote e

S.C. 2002, c. 8, s. 44

Footnote f

S.C. 2002, c. 8, s. 14

Footnote 1

SOR/98-106; SOR/2004-283


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