Government Services
December 4, 2006

Government Launches the YOU are in Control Highway Safety Campaign

Billboards promoting safe driving habits will soon be appearing on the province’s highways. The billboards, entitled YOU Are in Control, will focus on speeding, impaired driving, seatbelt use and cell phone use. They will be located at Port aux Basques, Grand Falls-Windsor, on the Outer Ring Road in St. John’s and on the Trans Labrador Highway at Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

The Honourable Dianne Whalen, Minister of Government Services, announced the YOU are in Control highway safety campaign today at a news conference. The campaign was developed by the Traffic Safety Committee established through the Motor Registration Division of the department. Joining the minister for the announcement were Marliese Janes, president and CEO of the Newfoundland and Labrador Safety Council, Inspector Sean Ryan, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and Sgt. Andy Landers, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

"We want to grab people’s attention and show them that we all have a responsibility in making sure our highways are safe," said Minister Whalen. "The theme was developed by the Traffic Safety Committee which involves partners from a number of organizations concerned with highway safety. Drivers make decisions every time they get in their vehicles. We know that driving while impaired, speeding, not using seatbelts or using handheld cell phones put us at risk. Individually, we also have to recognize that those decisions can have very serious consequences, and can result in collisions causing injury or even death."

In addition to the Newfoundland and Labrador Safety Council, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the departments of Transportation and Works and Health and Community Services are also members of the Traffic Safety Committee.

The Honourable John Hickey, Minister of Transportation and Works, says the onus is on motorists to ensure vehicle safety. "A recent Transport Canada report says the vast majority of vehicle collisions are the responsibility of the drivers rather than road conditions. So motorists have to be accountable and exercise good judgement."

"Ensuring the well-being of the people of our province is of paramount importance to our government," said the Honourable Tom Osborne, Minister of Health and Community Services. "We are committed to wellness promotion, and as a part of this commitment, we are investing in injury prevention initiatives such as this new campaign, to keep residents of Newfoundland and Labrador safe and healthy."

The Newfoundland and Labrador Safety Council, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and Royal Canadian Mounted Police each have an important role in getting out the message to the driving public that, YOU are in Control.

"Traffic safety is a priority for the RCMP and we remain dedicated to improving public safety on our highways," said Sgt. Andy Landers. "To accomplish this goal we will continue to focus our enforcement and education efforts on the high risk driving behaviours that are contributing to fatal collision and crashes on our road ways."

"We are very pleased to have partnered with Motor Registration Division of the Department of Government Services, the departments of Transportation and Works and Health and Community Services, Newfoundland and Labrador Safety Council, and the RCMP in this effort to improve safety on our highways," said Inspector Sean Ryan. "When we get behind the wheel we are all responsible for the safety of ourselves and the safety of all others around us. Each and every one of us must take control and must play a role in reducing collisions and reducing the injuries and death often caused by avoidable traffic accidents. Together, we can make our roads a safer place."

"The Newfoundland and Labrador Safety Council encourages drivers to take responsibility for their actions when behind the wheel of a car," said Ms. Janes. "Every one of us can make the decision on how fast to drive, not to drink and drive and to wear a seatbelt. We join with our partners in this campaign and will highlight this message in the media in the next few weeks."

Brochures are being developed to emphasize the dangers of speeding, impaired driving, lack of seatbelt use, handheld cell phone use, winter driving and driver inattention. These will be distributed as inserts with vehicle registration renewals. Posters are also being designed for distribution to all Traffic Safety Committee members for promotion of the message.

"It is our sincere hope that everyone will start to realize their part in keeping our roads safe. YOU are in control when you choose to not drive impaired. YOU are in control when you put on your seatbelt. YOU are in control when you drive according to the speed limits and road conditions. YOU are in control when you use a headset for your cell phone. I encourage all drivers to do their part to stay in control," concluded Minister Whalen.

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Media contacts:

Vanessa Colman-Sadd
Director of Communications
Department of Government Services
709-729-4860, 682-6593
P.J. (Pete) McKay, Sergeant
Media Relations "B" Division Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Newfoundland and Labrador

David Salter
Director of Communications
Transportation and Works
709-729-3015, 691-3577 

RNC Media Relations Office
Cst. Paul A. Davis
709-729-8658, 553-6138 (pager)

Tansy Mundon
Director of Communications
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-1377, 685-1741

Marliese Janes
President & CEO
Newfoundland and Labrador Safety Council

2006 12 04                                                   10:40 a.m.

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