Environment and Conservation
April 19, 2007

Deadline for Big Game Licence Applications Extended

The deadline for big game licence applications has been extended by two weeks to May 4 to ensure hunters have received a 2007-08 application for the moose and caribou draw.

"The reason for the extension is to accommodate a number of individuals who did not receive an application for the 2007 draw," said the Honourable Clyde Jackman, Minister of Environment and Conservation. "As well, all resident hunters need to provide the wildlife division with a valid Newfoundland and Labrador driver’s licence or photo identification number in order for their applications to be processed."

The wildlife division uses the Newfoundland and Labrador driver’s licence number or photo identification number to confirm residency status. Either piece of identification may be obtained from any Motor Registration Division office of the Department of Government Services.

There are several methods for resident hunters to submit identification:

  • Photocopy the driver’s licence or photo identification and fax to the wildlife division office in Corner Brook at 709-637-2099 or in St. John’s at 709-729-0751; or
  • Visit a wildlife office at 117 Riverside Drive, Corner Brook or Building 810 Pleasantville, St. John’s; or
  • Mail a photocopy of the driver’s licence or photo identification to: Wildlife Division, Licencing Section, P.O. Box 2007 Corner Brook, NL, A2H 7S1; or
  • Using a computer scanner, scan the driver’s licence or photo identification and e-mail it to wildlifelicense@gov.nl.ca.
  • If applicants have already submitted this information, it is not necessary to resend it.

    "I have directed my staff to continue to update files before the new deadline," said Minister Jackman. "Newfoundlanders and Labradorians value the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and hunt big game and I want to ensure that opportunity is offered to hunters. However, individuals must provide the required information as soon as possible to meet the final May 4 deadline."

    For further information please contact the wildlife division at 709-637-2025 or 709-729-2630.

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    Media contact:
    Diane Hart
    Director of Communications
    Department of Environment and Conservation
    709-729-2575, 685-4401

    2007 04 19                                                    9:10 a.m.


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