Transportation and Works
April 5, 2007

Government Invests a Further $10 Million in Provincial Roads

Government continues to make unprecedented investments in the provincial transportation network, committing an additional $10 million to revitalize roads in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Honourable John Hickey, Minister of Transportation and Works, announced today this new funding will come from the upcoming provincial budget.

In January, Minister Hickey confirmed government intends to invest $150 million to improve provincial roads this year, including $60 million for the Provincial Roads Improvement Program.

The additional $10 million will be targeted to three main areas:

  • Provincial Roads Improvement Program. The budget will be increased by $6.5 million, from $60 million to $66.5 million which enable further major upgrades and paving of provincial roads.
  • The Summer Maintenance Program supplies budget. This program, which focuses on pot-hole patching, guardrail replacement, erection of signs, etc. will be increased by $2.5 million. This brings the total for the Summer Maintenance Program supplies budget to approximately $7 million.
  • $1 million for other highway improvement measures.
  • "This increase in funding for provincial roads is a further demonstration of this government’s steadfast commitment to the province’s social and economic development," said Minister Hickey.

    "Road investments not only provide safer, reliable transportation for local motorists, but also contribute to economic growth by supporting the trucking industry, tourism and other sectors."

    This is the second year government has made a substantial investment of at least $60 million in the Provincial Roads Improvement Program. Once again, pre-approval of funding has been given before the construction season begins which enables work to commence and be completed earlier than in previous years.

    Dan Spracklin, president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Road Builders and Heavy Civil Association, said: "Our association is quite pleased with the initiatives undertaken by the Williams government to improve the state of the roads in our province. A commitment of a further $10 million from government just makes our successful partnership even stronger."

    Government estimates the Provincial Roads Improvement Program creates approximately 1,200 person years of employment, with 94 per cent of the work being done in rural areas.

    This is the second year of government’s six-year strategy for infrastructure improvements exceeding $2 billion.


    Media contact:
    David Salter
    Director of Communications
    Department of Transportation and Works
    709-729-3015, 691-3577 

    2007 04 05                                                 11:50 a.m.


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