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The Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefit (NLCB)

The Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefit (NLCB)  

The NLCB is a refundable tax credit payable to all low income families with family income less than $22,397; living in Newfoundland and Labrador and who have dependent children under 18 years of age.

Families receive partial benefits when the family net income is between $17,397 and $22,397.  The benefit is fully phased out when family net income reaches $22,397. 

Families with children under the age of 1 year, are also eligible to receive the Mother Baby Nutrition Supplement, which is an additional amount of $45 per month provided under the NLCB.

The benefit year is from July to June. The amount of the benefit which starts in July of each year is based on the family income in the previous taxation year. NLCB payments are included with the Canada Child Tax Benefit payment administered by the Canada Revenue Agency.


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