Northern Strategic Plan for Labrador
New Initiatives

As a result of the Northern Strategic Plan, the Provincial Government has approved approximately $55 million in new initiatives and increased programming funds above and beyond existing programs and services for Labrador for the next five years.

The total investment for the Northern Strategic Plan is over $250 million over the five year period of the plan.

The plan is a living document and will be adjusted accordingly to government priorities through the annual budgeting process over the next five years.

There are eight key themes identified in the Northern Strategic Plan for Labrador.


  • $100,000 for increased signage along the Trans Labrador Highway
  • $150,000 to increase the grooming subsidy for isolated communities that are not connected to a road network. This will bring the total annual subsidy provided by Provincial Government to $390,000.
  • $275,000 to purchase a groomer and storage facility to service from North West River to the Mulligan Trail
  • $75,000 annually to extend the 2007 summer schedule of the M/V Sir Robert Bond by three weeks
  • $623,900 annually to increase funding levels for current and projected summer and winter road maintenance contracts
  • $217,300 annually for increased engineering positions and funding to help with building maintenance in Labrador

The Provincial Government will continue to:

  • Decrease the average number of days that the road between Red Bay and Lodge Bay is closed due to inclement weather
  • Provide flexibility with the ferry service in the Labrador Straits and consider extending the season as ice conditions permit
  • Evaluate options for the provision of two new ferries for the Labrador Straits ferry route that would provide year round service pending ice conditions
  • Complete Phase III of the Trans Labrador Highway
  • Complete hard surfacing of Phase I of the Trans-Labrador Highway
  • Secure funding to hard surface the remainder of the Trans-Labrador Highway upon completion of hard surfacing of Phase I
  • Finalize the decision on central airport for Southern Labrador
  • Consider options for the Nain Airstrip
  • Continue dust reduction strategies on the Trans-Labrador Highway with specific emphasis where the highway passes directly through communities
  • Consult with the Nunatsiavut Government on the condition of the north coast winter trail system

Natural Resources and Environment

  • $320,000 annually to formulate integrated long term management plans for the significant wildlife populations (big game) of Labrador that incorporates social, cultural and economic objectives
  • $300,000 annually to assess the status of inland fish species in Labrador regarding the effects of climate change on the populations specific to species which have an opportunity for development such as lake trout, northern pike, brook trout and char
  • Increase the commercial forest land base in Labrador by undertaking an expanded forest inventory.
  • $100,000 annually to complete conservation projects for Labrador in support of the natural areas system plan for Newfoundland and Labrador
  • $162,200 annually to increase the number of Conservation Officers for the Inland Fisheries Enforcement Program
  • $65,000 to assess impacts on inland fish species along the Trans-Labrador Highway
  • Complete the dairy feasibility study for central Labrador and follow up on recommendations from the study
  • $15,000 to participate in a stewardship project with contributing partners regarding Labrador Species at Risk
  • $30,000 to contribute to a reassessment/inventory of Labrador populations of peregrine falcons
  • $10,000 to conduct a rare plant survey in Labrador
  • $69,300 annually to increase patrols of threatened caribou herds in Labrador on the Quebec-Labrador border

Tourism and Culture

  • Increase interpretative services on ferry routes
  • $40,000 for enhancements to the Pinware River Park
  • $100,000 annually to increase funding and promote the Cultural Travel Subsidy component of the Labrador Travel Subsidy for amateur and professional artists of Labrador and for youth cultural exchanges
  • Provide cultural awareness training for prosecutors, educators and professionals who will work in Labrador to ensure they understand and appreciate the cultural uniqueness of the Innu and Inuit peoples
  • Increased support to the Labrador Craft Marketing Agency to develop training activities designed to preserve traditional arts and crafts skills and encourage new producers.
  • $160,000 annual operational grant to the Mealy Mountain Auditorium.
  • $100,000 annually to support the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council Outreach Program for Labrador
  • $200,000 to support the development of a Labrador-based archive for Them Days Inc.

Education and Employment

  • $4 million over two years contribution to the construction of a new school in Sheshatshiu
  • $4.8 million over three years to construct a new purpose built K-12 School in Port Hope Simpson
  • $1.3 million over two years to construct a new facility for the francophone school in Happy Valley-Goose Bay
  • Establish two resource facilitators at College of the North Atlantic in Labrador to assist persons with disabilities
  • Build on recommendations of the Philpott Report by working with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and the Labrador Innu on an implementation plan
  • Develop programs for the recruitment and retention of qualified candidates for environmental health positions in Labrador.
  • $50,000 over two years to continue the Labrador: Come Work and Play awareness campaign for recruiting purposes
  • $750,000 to work with partners, Aboriginal governments and organizations to enhance K-12 initiatives to prepare Aboriginal young people in Labrador for post-secondary education


  • $1.24 million increase to the medical transportation program over five years, to assist with reimbursement of claimable expenses under the Medical Transportation Assistance Program for residents that incur significant travel costs in order to receive medical treatment. This initiative involves an increase of $540,500 in the Medical Transportation Program Budget. The remaining $700,500 is a reallocation within the program budget based on revised criteria/guidelines which will result in greater assistance for Labrador residents.
  • $95,000 to provide financial support for an emergency response initiative under fire and emergency services for pandemic planning and regional emergency situation response
  • Establish a family resource coordinator position through the Labrador Grenfell Regional Health Authority to enhance family resource programming in the region
  • $2.6 million to construct an administration building for Labrador Grenfell Regional Health Authority in Happy Valley – Goose Bay
  • $67,000 annually to provide picture archiving and communications systems for the Labrador Health Centre and Captain William Jackman Memorial Hospital.
  • $1.6 million over five years to strengthen the Tele-Health network and video conferencing capacity in Labrador, to improve access to address chronic disease management in Labrador
  • $8.3 million over five years to enhance social work staffing to address the needs of children and families, and persons with mental health and addictions issues.
  • $137,000 annually to fund two new positions to support services for persons with developmental disabilities in Labrador.
  • $91,000 annually to increase administrative and technology support to reduce wait times for laboratory test results and to enhance care for surgery patients in western Labrador

Access to Programming and Services

  • $123,000 annual increase for funding to the Labrador Travel Subsidy program, including School Sports Newfoundland and Labrador funding
  • $70,000 annually to create a coordinator position for the RCMP’s community justice forums program to benefit coastal communities
  • $1.6 million annually for an energy rebate to address one of the most pressing issues for rural isolated communities in Labrador. The rebate will reduce the cost of basic electricity consumption needs of Labrador rural isolated residential customers to a level on par with the Labrador Interconnected Rates. Customers in the Labrador Straits area will receive a similar rebate to achieve the same goal.
  • Review Labrador isolated commercial customer electricity rates, with a view to introducing a comparable rebate when the Lower Churchill project is sanctioned for development.
  • Provide funding to follow-up on the recommendations from the Business Retention and Expansion Program
  • Continue preliminary discussions on the concept and feasibility, including engineering and environmental-related work, of a fiber optic link throughout Labrador
  • Transfer administration of Combined Councils of Labrador funding to Department of Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs
  • $35,000 annually to offer gender based analysis training to government employees in Labrador, semi-annually, to support departments in delivering programs and services as intended for women
  • Increase career, employment and labour market services staffing in Labrador
  • $50,000 to continue support for the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder research project at the Labrador Correctional Centre
  • Contribute to the development of a sewage treatment plant for Happy Valley-Goose Bay
  • $100,000 to provide funding for a feasibility study and needs assessment for a regional recreational sportsplex in central Labrador
  • Undertake a review of the service delivery model for the Motor Registration Division and Government Services Centres in the Labrador region
  • $210,000 annually to increase the number of prosecutors to effectively deal with the existing caseload in Labrador
  • Continue to work toward the conclusion of community tripartite agreements under the first nations policing policy with the federal government as successful conclusion of these agreements will provide additional funding to be invested in Labrador communities
  • $211,000 annually to expand family justice services in Labrador and to provide family court services in coastal communities to address needs in the region, particularly coastal and remote communities
  • $424,000 annually to improve access to interpretation services in the justice system through the establishment of an Aboriginal interpretation project including the creation of a justice liaison position
  • Undertake a feasibility study to consider the challenges and barriers to providing 911 services in Labrador
  • $233,000 over five years to provide additional support for the delivery of government service centre programs to the public through the provision of a dedicated manager of operations position in Labrador
  • $382,000 over five years to increase highway enforcement in Labrador with an additional highway enforcement officer position.
  • $392,700 annually to ensure monitoring and assessment of water quality in Labrador
  • $600,000 over three years for new housing units for RNC officers in Churchill Falls
  • $120,000 annually for an additional solicitor for Child, Youth and Family Services in Labrador
  • $43,000 to support travel costs for Labrador youth to attend the 2007 YC Newfoundland and Labrador convention
  • Increase existing staff positions to support justice initiatives in Labrador
  • $67,200 over five years to provide videoconferencing capabilities for the Wabush Provincial Court and the Happy Valley-Goose Bay Supreme Court

Aboriginal Partnerships

  • $40,000 to organize an Aboriginal justice symposium to promote dialogue between Aboriginal people and the justice system
  • $240,000 over three years toward the development of a federal-provincial Aboriginal sport participation agreement

Working Together

  • Meet with Combined Councils of Labrador Executive once a year (six months following the Annual General Meeting) to review resolutions that pertain to the provincial government
  • Pursue potential economic opportunities and partnerships with Nunavut, in conjunction with the Nunatsiavut Government
  • Continue to ensure that the federal government adheres to its commitment to 5 Wing Goose Bay and identification of new opportunities for military and non-military use of the base
  • Advance long term development priorities for Labrador with ongoing collaboration between Department of Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs and Rural Secretariat

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador looks forward to Labrador’s future and to working with Labradorians in the implementation of the Northern Strategic Plan.

This plan should be viewed as a living document and it will be updated regularly to adjust to changes in demography, technology, society and the economy. Working together, citizens, government and the community can achieve positive change.


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