
Welcome to our website!

Elections Newfoundland and Labrador is responsible for the conducting of elections and for ensuring fairness, impartiality and compliance with all aspects of the Elections Act, 1991. In addition to responsibilities associated with provincial elections our Office works co-operatively with Elections Canada, school boards and municipalities in exchanging data to maintain accurate voters' lists for other electoral events. These initiatives are supplemented by promotional activities aimed at encouraging voter registration and education programs in our schools to encourage youth participation in the voting process. With a relatively small number of permanent staff we are proud of the progress made since the last General Election and look forward to working closely with our field staff in meeting the challenges of the next General Election.

We hope that our web site will be yet another information tool for the public. Please take a few minutes to review the material and feel free to provide us with any comments or suggestions you may have with respect to it.

Charles J. Furey
Chief Electoral Officer
Commissioner of Members' Interests


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  © 2002 The Honourable Speaker of the House of Assembly