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  Support Enforcement Division


Responsible for
Collection Actions
Balance and Payment Inquires
How to pay your support
How to contact us Interjurisdictional Support Orders
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The Support Enforcement Division performs a number of services related to the collection and distribution of court-ordered funds for support, maintenance or alimony. The authority for the establishment of the agency lies under The Support Orders Enforcement Act.

Responsible for:

  • Receiving and disbursing court-ordered funds for support, maintenance or alimony;

  • Issuing Notices of Garnishment (employers, banks, federal government); Registering Support Orders issued in the province and incoming Support Orders from other jurisdictions (final and provisional);

  • Transmitting Support Orders to other jurisdictions (final and provisional);

  • Initiating Default Summonses;

  • Tracing delinquent payers; and

  • Initiating seizure and sale under the Judgment Enforcement Act.

  • Receiving and transmitting ISO applications under the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act. Click on the following link for the application forms. http://www.justice.gov.nl.ca/just/CIVIL/family_law.htm

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Collection Actions

When payments are not made on court orders or agreements registered with the Support Enforcement Program (SEP), collection action(s) will be taken.   SEP has many collection tools available and may use one or more of these tools to achieve compliance on an order.   The following is a list of these actions: 

  • Wage Garnishments

SEP can require employers to make scheduled deductions from a debtor's wages in order to bring about compliance. All wage garnishees attach 50%* of the debtors net pay until the arrears are paid. After arrears are paid, wages are attached only for the amount due under the order.  *SEP has the authority to take 100% under certain conditions. 

  • Bank Garnishment

SEP can intercept money payable to the debtor from bank accounts or other sources such as mutual funds, rent or contract fees.   It also will intercept money on deposit up to the amount outstanding with SEP.  This includes joint bank accounts. 

  • Pension Garnishment

SEP can attach certain pension entitlements that a debtor is entitled to under a Registered Pension Plan. 

  • Federal Garnishment

Under an agreement with the Federal Justice Department, SEP can attach funds payable to the debtor from federal sources, such as Income Tax refunds, GST/HST rebates, Canada Pension Plans, Training Allowances and Employment Insurance.   SEP attaches 100% of Income Tax and GST rebates. 

  • Federal Licence Denial

Under an agreement with the federal Justice Department, SEP can restrict the issuing of passports, federal licences, and permits.   SEP can also cause an existing passport or federal licence to be revoked.

  • Credit Bureau Reporting

     SEP can report a failure to pay child or spousal support to the credit bureau as a bad debt. 

  • Registration with the Sheriff

Under the Judgement Enforcement Act, SEP can register the unpaid support with the High Sheriff.   This registration is a lien against all real property and can prevent the owner from re-mortgaging or selling the property without settling the unpaid balance with SEP.  SEP can also force the sale of real estate. 

  • Seize and Sell Action

SEP can seize and sell a debtor's assets (i.e. Vehicles, Inventory, RRSP's, shares, bonds etc.) through the High Sheriff.   The seized assets may be sold to settle the debtor's arrears. 

  • Default Hearing

SEP can issue a default summons against the debtor to appear in court and give evidence why they have not complied with their support obligation.   The court can send a debtor to jail for continued non-payment of support.

  • Suspend/Cancel Big Game Licences

SEP can issue a Notice to Wildlife Division of the Department of Environment and Conservation to suspend or cancel debtor’s Big Game Licences.  

  • Motor Vehicle Restrictions

SEP can issue a Notice to Registrar of Motor Vehicles to suspend or refuse to renew a debtor’s driving privileges. 

Note: The above are presented for information purposes only and may not be able to be used in all cases.   If there are any discrepancies between the Act and the information above, the Act will prevail.

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Balance and Payment Inquiries:

Integrated Voice Response System (IVR): (709) 729-3295 or 1 (800) 563-5330 (Canada wide)

The Integrated Voice Response System (IVR) is only available to those who receive support. Support recipients will need to enter their seven digit account number and their six-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) to receive information. The IVR will provide the date and amount of the last payment issued and the balance of your account left outstanding. The PIN was issued upon registration with the Support Enforcement Office.  A lost or misplaced PIN can be retrieved by contacting the Support Enforcement Office at the number listed below.

Hours of Operation

New Service Improvement

The Support Enforcement Program has upgraded the IVR system in order to provide support recipients with more timely payment information. The IVR service is now available 24 hours a day seven days a week Canada wide. To further improve service, payment information will now be updated each weekday evening* for the next business day and in the event of a weekend, for the first business day of the following week. This enhancement will provide recipients with the knowledge of a payment prior to it being issued and avoid delays currently experienced each morning. As an example, the IVR will now report over weekends, payments that will be issued on Monday or in the case of a long weekend, the following Tuesday. Users will notice that the response will say "the last cheque was issued or will be issued on..." The addition of "will be issued" is to notify users of a pending payment date.

We believe these changes are a major improvement to the service and encourage everyone to give it a try.

*NOTE : The update time of the IVR each evening varies depending on the demand on the computer. We therefore suggest that you call for your information as late as possible in the evening, early in the morning, or in the case of a weekend, Saturday or Sunday.

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How to pay your support:

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Contact Information:

Enforcement Inquiries: Telephone (709) 637-2608   Facsimile (709) 634-9518

Please note that due to the volume of calls received we cannot guarantee that you will be able to speak with someone immediately. Utilize the Enforcement Officers voice messaging system and your call will be returned within 48 hours.

Business Hours:

The Support Enforcement Office is open Monday through Friday each week as follows*:

Summer (June 13 - Sep 9 2005) Winter
8:30am - 12:30pm 8:30am - 12:30pm
1:00 pm - 4:00pm 1:00 pm - 4:30pm

Please note that there are enforcement officers that work outside of the main office hours during the winter and leave at 4:00pm. They are available, however, in the afternoon commencing at 1:00pm. Those enforcement officers are coloured blue in the directory listed below.

*Tuesdays and Thursdays are administrative days and the office is not available for calls until 1:00pm.

Telephone Listings:   PDF 

Director Craig H. Scott (709)637-2608
Manager Glenda Follett (709)637-2608
Main Switchboard (709)637-2608
Fax (709)634-9518
Integrated Voice Response System (IVR) (For Creditors Only) (709)729-3295
(800 service is Canada wide) (800)563-5330

Direct Lines

To contact your case worker directly, the telephone listing below is provided for your convenience. All files are allocated to case workers by the surname of the person paying the support.
Payor Surname Case Worker Phone No.
A - BROD Marion Foster (709)637-2617
BROE - COOL Charlene Mchugh (709)637-2003
COOM - FONT Helen Sweeney (709)637-2559
FONU - HICK John Pender (709)637-2518
HICL - LANGD Betty Cuff (709)637-2635
LANGE - MORG Cynthia Elms (709)637-2625
MORH - PENE Wanda Gillingham (709)637-2619
PENNF - SANI Kellie Penney (709)637-2953
SANJ - TIBBS Glenda Wall (709)637-2690
TIBBT - ZZZZ Michael Banks (709)637-2646


Support Enforcement Division
Department of Justice
9th. floor, Sir Richard Squires Building
P.O. Box 2006
Corner Brook, NF A2H 6J8

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Interjurisdictional Support Orders (Not applicable to Divorce Act cases):

How to obtain or modify and order under the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act (ISO)
ISO is used to obtain or vary an order for support where one of the parties does not live in the same jurisdiction within Canada, the United States or any other reciprocating country.

SEP's only involvement under ISO is to receive and or transmit applications and orders for the applicant or claimant under the responsibility of the "Designated Authority". If you require assistance in filling out the application you may contact a Support Applications Social Worker at the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment.

To seek or vary an order under ISO the applicant or claimant must file an application with the designated authority for transmittal to the reciprocating jurisdiction (other province, territory or country). 

ISO and the USA

To establish/vary an order in the United States, the following US forms are available or if you wish to use the ISO forms, attach the US Petition and Transmittal form to ensure the application is recognized. These forms are as follows and are in PDF format.

Locate Data Petition
General Testimony
Affidavit in Support of Establishing Parentage** Only if establishment of parentage is required

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Some of the following documents are PDFs. Use Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to view them. Click here to download Acrobat® Reader for free.

Forms: All forms below with the exceptions of the Affidavit Instructions and Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Authorization and are considered fillable forms. You may type information directly into the form before printing.

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FAQ: http://www.gov.nl.ca/just/FAQ's/jus_faq.htm#support


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Quick Links:

Child Support Guidelines 
Federal Child Support Home Page
Federal Child Support Guidelines 

Child Support Guideline Tables

Provincial and Territorial Maintenance Enforcement Programs

Nova Scotia 
New Brunswick 
Prince Edward Island 
British Columbia
North West Territories

United States of America

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