Labour Relations Agency
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Labour Relations - Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ's

How do I make a request for assistance under the PMP?

Requests can be made individually by either party; the union or the employer; or the parties can decide to submit a joint request. Request forms are available from the Labour Relations Division or on-line. Preventive Mediation is a voluntary program. Both parties must agree to participate prior to proceeding with the program.

Is there a cost associated with the Preventive Mediation Program?

There is no direct cost attached to most of the components of the program at this time. 

How is the IBN process different than the traditional collective bargaining process?

IBN represents a shift from the traditional collective bargaining process which is usually adversarial in nature. In IBN the parties discuss interests rather than state positions on issues. The discussion leads to a rational problem solving approach, which benefits both parties.

If a request is made for the appointment of an arbitrator, how is the arbitrator chosen?

Arbitrators are chosen on a rotating basis from the current roster established by the Labour Management Cooperation Committee.


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