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There are number of other health services provided to Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. For further information, please contact the Department of health and Community Services at (709) 729-4984

The provincial ambulance service incorporates both road and air ambulance services.

The provincial road ambulance program is oriented toward the provision of pre-hospital care at both basic and intermediate levels. The timely provision of road ambulance services is facilitated by 63 ambulance services operating about 150 ambulances from 82 locations throughout the province.

Air ambulance aircraft respond to medevac requests throughout the province and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These aircraft perform about 880 air ambulance medevacs annually.

Fixed wing air ambulance operations are performed by three dedicated aircraft. One aircraft is based in Labrador to meet the needs of the region, one is based in St. Anthony to serve the South coast portions of Labrador and the Northern Peninsula, and one is based in St. John's to serve the remainder of the province and back up the other aircraft. Five helicopters are operated on a long-term general service government contract and are based across the province.

The Department of Health and Community Services administers the Newfoundland Medical Care Plan (MCP) on behalf of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. General medical services insured under the plan, for residents of the province, include: visits to a physician's office; surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including an aesthesia; pre and post-operative care; maternity care; radiology interpretive services; and certain medically required surgical-dental procedures performed in a hospital by a dentist or an oral surgeon.

There are medical services not covered by the provincial plan, including: eye examinations for corrective lenses; routine in hospital dental extractions; physician advice provided via telephone; drugs; ambulance services or other transportation; cosmetic surgery; and services provided by chiropractors, optometrists, podiatrists, naturopaths, osteopaths, physiotherapists, nurses or other paramedical personnel.

The Dental Health Plan incorporates a children's dental component and a social assistance component. The children's program covers the following dental services for all children up to and including the age of 12: examinations at six month intervals; cleanings at 12 month intervals; fluoride applications for children ages six to 12 at 12 month intervals; X-rays (some limitations); fillings and extractions; and some other specific procedures which require approval before treatment. These basic services are also available under the income support component to recipients aged 13 to 17 years. Adults receiving social assistance are eligible for emergency care and extractions. Beneficiaries covered under the dental plan must pay a variable amount directly to the dentist for each service provided. In circumstances where the beneficiary is receiving income support, this co-payment is paid by the social assistance component of the Dental Health Plan.

You can contact MCP at
1-800-563-1557 or on the web at



The Medical Transportation Assistance Program (non-emergency) was implemented April 1, 1998 to provide financial assistance for persons who travel by commercial air to access medically insured services not available within their place of residence and/or within the province.

To be assessed for eligibility for in-province travel, the referring physician is required to complete an application indication the medical nature of the referral and to whom the patient is being referred. Assessment for eligibility for out-of-province travel required referral by a specialist.

Persons in receipt of income support are excluded from eligibility under this program as they may be eligible for medical travel assistance through the Department of Human Resources and Employment. Kidney, bone marrow and stem cell donors are also exempt from this program as donors are eligible for travel assistance through the Health Care Corporation of St. John's.

The provincial Hospital Insurance Plan and the Medical Care Plan (MCP) provide coverage to beneficiaries who temporarily leave Newfoundland and Labrador. Patients are required to provide and valid plan registration card (MCP card). Therefore, prior to leaving the province, an Out-of Province Coverage Certificate should be obtained from MCP for absences longer than six months.

Insured medical services obtained in other provinces and territories are payable at the rates established by the medical care plan in those jurisdictions. Physicians in other provinces or territories submit claims to their local medical care plan for services provided to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador. MCP will be invoiced for the cost of those insured services under the Medical Services Reciprocal Billing Agreement.
The Hospital Reciprocal Billing Agreement enables Canadians to access hospital services when traveling between provinces and territories. Under the Hospital Insurance Plan, hospital coverage is
Based on the fact that the service is provided at an approved, accredited hospital and the services are insured. The hospital providing the insured service will invoice their provincial/territorial Ministry of Health in accordance with policies, guidelines and rates established under the Agreements. The Ministry of Health for the host hospital, in turn, will invoice the Department of Health and Community Services for the insured hospital services.

The provincial Hospital Insurance Plan has a provision for out-of-country hospital coverage for persons temporarily absent from the country due to vacation, educational leave and/or temporary employment. Claims for insured hospital services outside the country are payable based on maximum rates established under the plan.

Claims for medical services obtained outside Canada may be reimbursed at varying amounts depending on whether the service(s) are available within Newfoundland and Labrador, or elsewhere within Canada. Any remaining account balances for insured hospital and/or medical services are the responsibility of the patient and/or private insurance company.
If a patient is medically referred outside the country and seeks funding for hospital and/or medical care associated with the outside Canada referral, prior approval is required under the Medical Care Plan.

If a patient is granted prior approval, payment will be in the currency of the country where the services are provided and based on the invoiced amount, provided the rates are deemed to be fair and reasonable. Requests for prior approval should be forwarded to the Medical Director, Medical Care Plan. Additional travel insurance is strongly recommended for beneficiaries traveling outside Canada.

If charged for insured services received outside Newfoundland and Labrador, a beneficiary must submit an Out-of-Province Claim Form, with original receipts, to be reimbursed for amounts paid for insured services.

The appropriate use of prescription medications can assist in maintaining health and managing and preventing illness. As such, government has been providing the Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program to residents in financial need of assistance in obtaining necessary medications.

The program provides medication coverage for 30,600 families under the income support drug program and 43,700 senior citizens. In the 1999-2000 fiscal year, government paid $60 million to community pharmacies for the provision of over 2.3 million prescriptions to recipients of these two drug programs.

Due to the many health care challenges, the move toward an evidence based evaluation of new pharmaceuticals has been embraced. Numerous initiatives have been and are currently being undertaken to encourage this process in the pharmaceutical field, including the development of the Provincial Drug Monitoring Program, and participation in antibiotic studies.

Pharmacists and other health care professionals in the province can assess our interchangeable drug products formulary and other program information on the web at:


NLCHI was established by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to determine the viability of, and to build, a comprehensive provincial health information network. The Centre is also responsible for preparing health information reports and promoting the coding of health information that is uniform in definition, measurement and collection.

With it's office established in the fall of 1997, NLCHI has staff in St. John's, Corner Brook, Grand Falls-Windsor and Labrador City.

Telephone: (709) 777-7537
Fax: (709) 777-7129

Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information
8th Floor, Southcott Hall
100 Forest Road
St. John's, NF
A1A 1E5



Medical Transportation
Assistance Program Form

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