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The Community Accounts is a public-wide, online data retrieval system for locating, sharing and exchanging information related to the province and its people. It provides users with a single comprehensive source of community, regional, and provincial data that would normally not be readily available, be too costly to obtain, or too time consuming to manually or otherwise retrieve and compile.

This innovative system allows users to custom generate a limitless number of tables and illustrative graphics on key social and economic indicators organized by geography and data topic within ten distinct accounts: Household Spending, Income, Social, Health, Labour Market, Production, Demographics, Education, Resource/Wealth and Environment. An additional account, termed Well-Being, allows users to compile indicators from each of the above domains to develop a better understanding of the factors that determine the status and progress of their communities and regions.

Under this structure, information can be retrieved according to 400 communities, 80 census consolidated subdivisions (local areas), 20 economic development zones, and the province. Information can also be retrieved at the level of Rural Secretariat Regions, Health Authorities, School Districts, and Human Resources Development Canada Regions.

In 2003, the Community Accounts won two awards. The Newfoundland and Labrador Statistics Agency was the recipient of the National IPAC (The Institute of Public Administration of Canada) Award for Innovative Management. The theme for 2003 was "In the Know, Managing Knowledge". The Agency was also the recipient of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador 2002 Public Service Award of Excellence, which recognizes individuals, and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the public service in Newfoundland and Labrador. 


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