Message from the Premier
My government firmly believes that economic and social policy go hand-in-hand. Sound social initiatives promote economic growth. At the same time, steps to generate more jobs, investment and diversification will also generate the revenues we need to finance high-quality social programs.

As a government, we remain committed to reducing the province’s poverty rate and transforming Newfoundland and Labrador from a province with the most poverty to one with the least. This discussion document represents a significant step in our efforts to reach that goal. Poverty is a complicated issue and will demand a long-term, integrated approach. Our government has worked diligently to turn the province’s economic situation around, and we have made great progress. Our focus and main priority is to ensure that future generations of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have a solid foundation of economic stability and opportunities for success and prosperity. Addressing the issue of poverty is key to implementing our vision for this province, and I look forward to the results of this very important process.

This is why the input of a broad range of stakeholders will be critical to our success. I encourage you to become involved, to share your knowledge, ideas and expertise and help us make a meaningful impact on reducing poverty.
Danny Williams, Q.C.