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Health and Community Services - St. John's Region services the geographic region extending from St. Shott's on the Southern Shore to Conception Bay South, the north east Avalon, St. John's, Mount Pearl and Bell Island. The population of this region is more than 180,000.


Mental Health & Addictions Services provides services designed to improve the mental health of individuals in our community and to promote awareness of and recovery from a variety of addictions. This program provides around the clock telephone and in-person counselling services to individuals in crisis through the Mental Health Crisis Centre - (1-888-737-4668). The services we offer to prevent and treat addictions include public education, individual and family and group treatment services for persons with an alcohol, drug or gambling problem. A 20-bed Recovery Centre is available to individuals who are experiencing withdrawal from alcohol, street drugs or prescription medication.

The Child, Youth and Family Services program provides a variety of services to children, young people and their families through two main program streams:
Child and Family Services, and Youth and Family Services.

The Child and Family Services program focuses on promoting the safety, well being and protection of children and supporting the capacity of families and our communities to provide for the health and well being of children. The core services offered by this program include:

Investigation and assessment of allegations of child abuse and neglect.
Prevention and treatment of abuse and neglect through provision of a variety of individual and family counselling, therapy and supportive services.
Recruitment, training and provision of support to caregivers (formerly known as Foster Parents) of children who are unable to live with their families.
Promotion of reunification of families where children have been removed through the provision of counselling, supervised access and therapeutic services.
Coordinating the adoption process and the provision of support and information to adoptees and birth parents.
Information sharing and referral to other community resources that promote healthy child development and parenting.

The focus of this program is to ensure that young people have the support and interventions they require to make the healthy transition from adolescence to adulthood. The core services offered through this program include:

Residential and income support services for young people (16-18) who are not able to remain with their families.
Counselling and therapeutic services for young people and their families who are encountering a variety of social and psychological challenges
Community based supervision and support for young offenders who are on probation and community residential services for young people through open custody.
Arranging victim-offender medication and a variety of alternative measures to youth through a volunteer supported Youth Diversion Board.

Community Living and Supportive Services is an amalgamation of the former programs of the Family and Rehabilitation Services and Continuing Care. The primary client group served by Community Living and Supportive Services includes individuals of all age groups with either physical or developmental disabilities, or both, and those affected by deinstitutionalization. As well, the program responds to the needs of individuals requiring acute health care and support services and access to long term care placement.

The program and service areas are divided into three divisions, which include Residential Services, Supportive Services and Licensing and Regulatory Services.

The Residential Services component includes administering the Alternate Family Care program, group homes, community residential living arrangements, transition houses and the Right Futures Project. The Supportive Services division includes financial, home support and transportation services, our Behavioral Intervention Services, as well as administering the Single-entry into Long-term Care program, the Neglected Adults Act and the Special Assistance Program.

Licensing and Regulatory Services include the monitoring of care standards and subsidy approvals for the Personal Care Home Program and the licensing and approvals of Home Support Agencies. The division also administers a number of Services Contracts such as our contract with the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) and meals on wheels.


The Health Promotion Program develops, delivers and maintains a wide range of health promotion and illness prevention services for all ages. Activities are supported that assist individuals, groups and communities in promoting healthy lifestyle practices and prevention of illness and injury. Health Promotion staff work in areas of parent and child health, nutrition, reproductive and adult health education

The Communicable Disease Control program has an ongoing legislative responsibility in disease surveillance activities and also includes activities that promote prevention, early detection, prompt treatment And follow up of communicable diseases. In our Environmental Health Program area we evaluate the circumstances in our environment that influence of have the potential to influence the health of the population.

We have developed a team approach for the delivery of many of our services. Teams consist of nurses, social workers, counselors, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists as well as those who deliver laboratory services and mental health and addictions services.
Our teams are either geographically based or work through liaison with the region's hospitals. Together these teams provide a variety of services to client, their families and their communities. This interdisciplinary approach involves the provision of health and community based services in a community development framework.


A baby boy born in Newfoundland and Labrador can expect to live 75.0 years, while a baby girl will usually outlive him by a little more than five years to an age of 80.5 years.

Telephone: (709) 738-4800
Fax: (709) 738-4930


Health and Community
Services - St. John's Region
20 Cordage Place
P.O. Box 13122
St. John's, NF A1B 4A4



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