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Tourism Literature Distribution Policy

The Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation operates a tourism literature distribution program which allows Newfoundland and Labrador tourism groups/associations and private sector tourism business operators to have their literature distributed free of charge to provincial and regional Visitor Information Centres (VIC’s). This policy prescribes the operational guidelines for this service. It identifies the types of literature that will be accepted for distribution; describes literature content and design specifications; and, sets out the distribution procedures.

Types of Literature

Only Newfoundland and Labrador tourism oriented literature within the following categories will be accepted for distribution:
  • Roofed Accommodations that have a Tourist Establishment Licence.
  • Campgrounds and Trailer Parks with a Tourist Establishment Licence.
  • Outfitters and Adventure Tourism Establishments with a Tourist Establishment Licence.
  • Tour Boat Operations.
  • Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism.
  • Tourism Events that are regional or provincial.
  • National, Provincial, Municipal parks.
  • Regional and Community Guides and Maps.
  • Transportation Schedules.
  • Historic Sites and museums.
  • Tourism Attractions, Activities, Sightseeing, Day Tours.
  • Craft stores/companies and organizations offering Newfoundland and Labrador goods.
  • Restaurants focussing on tourists and offering Newfoundland and Labrador products.
  • Government Services (federal, provincial, municipal provided they are tourist related).
  • Recreational Vehicle and Equipment Rentals.

    Posters will not be accepted.


Literature must have a tourism focus or be of demonstrated benefit to travelling tourists.
Information must be up to date and current.
All described services and activities must conform with all applicable federal and provincial laws and policies.

Design Specifications

The following specifications will allow each brochure to meet the size and shape of most display racks, prevent curling and bending, and be more visible and readable for the customer:

  • The name of the business/service should be prominently displayed on the top third of the brochure.
  • There are two recommended sizes (to fit most display rack spaces and allow the display of as many as possible):
    1. For Business Operators: 10 cm x 23 cm (4 in x 9 in)
    2. For Regional Guides: 15 cm x 23 cm (6 in x 9 in)
  • It is recommended that firm paper stock with a minimum paper weight of 160 (M) or 70 lb be used.
  • Irregular shapes will not be accepted.
  • While not obligatory, coloured images (pictures) are recommended to make the brochure more appealing/attractive. Tourism Newfoundland and Labrador has a library of images that can be utilized (at no cost). Contact Brittain Images Management Services at (709) 738-5445 or at

Distribution Process

The Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation provides this free distribution service through its Distribution Centre located at the Provincial Express Building, 13 Duffy Place, in St. John’s.

Tourism literature will be dispensed from the Distribution Centre to the provincial government’s VIC’s and those operated by municipalities and regional and local groups/associations.

Note: The Department does not control what regional/local VICs display; most of them focus on their own area and may charge a display fee. Please contact individual VICs for their display rules. A list of provincial and regional/local VICs is available by contacting Mr. Nick Dawe, Distribution Officer, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation at 709-729-5228 or

In order to ensure the timely and equitable distribution of all eligible literature, the following procedures and guidelines have been instituted:

  • Literature (brochures) must be bundled in lots of either 50 or 100, enabling Distribution Centre staff to quickly make allocations.
  • The maximum weight of cartons that will be accepted is 28 kilograms or 45 pounds.
  • The maximum quantity of brochures that you can ship to the Distribution Centre is 5,000, although a smaller amount is recommended to reduce your costs and the possibility of unused brochures.
  • Your shipment must include an allocation sheet (obtainable from the Distribution Centre), showing the number of brochures in each carton, the total number of cartons, and the total number of brochures.
  • You may suggest to the Distribution Officer how you would like your brochures distributed. They can be distributed on a pro-rated basis to all centres supplied by the Department, or you may determine your own schedule.
  • Brochures and completed allocation sheets should be delivered to the Distribution Centre at least three weeks prior to the scheduled opening of the VIC’s. Note that there is variance with the operating times for the VIC’s but the Provincial Government’s VIC’s typically operate from mid-May to mid-October. A few regional VIC’s operate year round while others are principally summer operations.
  • Typically, the initial shipment of brochures are delivered from the Distribution Centre to the VIC’s beginning at the end of April and continuing through mid-May. Following the initial shipment, brochures cannot always be delivered as soon as they are received at the Distribution Centre. They may be held until a sufficient quantity is available to make delivery economically feasible.
  • Note that while your brochures are distributed from the Distribution Centre to the VIC’s free of charge, you are responsible for the cost of transportation of your brochures to the Distribution Centre. Likewise, it is the owner’s responsibility to pick up or arrange the return of any unused brochures.
  • Storage space is limited at the Distribution Centre. Therefore, you are encouraged to contact Mr. Nick Dawe, Distribution Officer, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation (Telephone:709-729-5228; to confirm a delivery date and quantities expected.
  • It is the responsibility of the brochure owner to ensure that sufficient quantities are delivered to the Distribution Centre and to monitor the supply and replenish stock as necessary.

Contact Information

Mr. Nick Dawe
Distribution Officer
Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
P. O. Box 8700
St. John’s, NL
A1B 4J6
Telephone: (709) 729-5228
FAX: (709) 729-0057

Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
Distribution Centre (Print Atlantic Direct)
Provincial Express Building
13 Duffy Place
St. John’s, NL
Attn.: Lucy Burke
Telephone: (709) 722-1725

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

If the above noted guidelines are not met, The Department of Tourism, Recreation and Culture, through its Distribution Centre, reserves the right to refuse acceptance of your literature.

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