Baie Verte Peninsula & Green Bay
Newfoundland & Labrador

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The Emerald Zone Corporation

4 Juniper Road
Box 700
Springdale, NL A0J 1T0
Tel: (709) 673-3300
Toll Free: 1-888-673-3344
Fax: (709)673-4730

The Emerald Zone Corporation
Baie Verte, NL A0K 1B0
Tel: (709) 532-4066
Fax: (709) 532-2268

Making a Change
By Bertina Fudge
I decided that it was time to make career decisions for my life, so I began with Linkages Program. ...more

Have a business idea?
by Shaumini Brown
So, you have an business idea, a good one, but you’re not sure how to go about turning that idea into a plan. You are not alone! Many people have good ideas but don’t know where to go with them. I’m Shaumini Brown from the Emerald Zone and I had a business idea too and, just like many other people, I didn’t know what to do with my idea. So, I went on and looked for some help. Luckily for me, I found exactly what I was looking for. But, not everyone has internet, what do they do? Well, they read this article and find some useful sources that Shaumini has listed for them! ...more

Expect Success
By Danny Huxter, Executive Director

I recently read an article which talked about the importance of having a dream for the future. We‘ve all heard it before, we tell our kids to dream big, don’t let go of your dreams and so on. Well I want to take that a step further. While dreaming is fine and indeed a good exercise, I think we need to start to “Expect Big”. ...more

This Project is made possible through funding by the Government of Canada, in partnership with the Government
of Newfoundland and Labrador, under the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Labour Market Development Agreement

©2002 - The Emerald Zone Corporation - Terms of Use Agreement