Welcome to the Kittiwake Region, located on the northeast coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's most easterly province, on the lap of the North Atlantic. Welcome to the region as rich in natural resources as it is in culture and beauty. It is a place that fills you with wonder, and a place with boundless opportunity for adventure, industry and investment.

the regional economic development process works under a simple philosophy: sustainable, effective economic development demands involvement. Public consultation and participation remain an essential part of our mandate.

The KEDC sets its direction under an 18-member volunteer board of directors drawn from a variety of sectors and areas in the zone. The KEDC staff operates under the auspices of the board, and provides project leadership, guidance, facilitation and sector development. TheFive Core Functions of a REDB are
  • Develop and coordinate the implementation of strategic economic plans (SEPs) in each zone supported by an integrated business plan
  • Develop strong partnerships with municipalities in each zone that incorporates the strategies and priorities of municipalities in the economic planning process
  • Undertake capacity building and provide support to stakeholders to strengthen the economic environment of the zone
  • Develop partnerships in planning and implementation with Chambers of Commerce, Industry Associations, post secondary institutions, CBDCs, and other zones that advance and support the economic and entrepreneurial environment of the zone.
  • Coordinate and facilitate linkages with federal/provincial/municipal government departments and agencies in support of economic development.
To learn more about regional economic development boards and the KEDC; download "KEDC Overview" PowerPoint presentation, or our recent AGM presentation.

Zone 14, located on the northeast coast of central Newfoundland spans from the community of Terra Nova west to Lewsiporte and north to Fogo Island. The Region's largest community, Gander, is home to an international airport, and busy deepwater ports in Carmanville and Lewisporte tie into major shipping lanes.

The KEDC website is undergoing a drastic overhaul, keep checking back to see the developments and watch for new information.

***Nov 14, 2006***
Come and join national P M speakers like Vijay Verma and local business people such as Dean MacDonald talk about the challenges and opportunities in Project Management at the PMI NL 5th Anniversary Celebrations & Project Management Symposium on Monday, November 20th. For more details and to register please visit the PM website at or click here and here