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Economic Research and Analysis
Demographic Change: Newfoundland and Labrador Issues and Implications
Economic Research & Analysis

Available in PDF only (500Kb)
Demographic Change: Newfoundland and Labrador Issues and Implications was prepared by the Economics and Statistics Branch, Department of Finance.
Cover Photo: Fishing Stages - Cook's Harbour
Photo Credit: Beverley A. Carter
See also:
Regional Consultation Document (Long Term Population Projections for Newfoundland and Labrador: A Consultative Approach, November 2001)
Population Projections
Note: Data used throughout this report are as of March 2002.
Disclaimer: The printed version of the document is the official record. Printed copies can be obtained for a fee by contacting the:

Economics and Statistics Branch
Department of Finance
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, Newfoundland  A1B 4J6
Tel: (709)729-3255 | Fax: (709)729-6944 |
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