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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

In Newfoundland and Labrador, growth in the environmental sector is influenced by our resource-based economy and unique marine environment. Our environmental sector includes: environmental consultants, waste management specialists, engineering and information technology firms, manufacturing, as well as research and development companies.

Sectoral development activities include:
   continued cooperative arrangements with other Atlantic provinces to
     promote and develop environmental industries;
  support for export development of environmental goods and services
     from this region;
  support for local business to attend trade shows;
  working with the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry
     Association, including sponsorship of the annual general meeting; and
support for information sessions on environmental technologies and
     business opportunities identification throughout the year.

To Find Out More
Senior Technical Officer
Darrell O'Neill Tel: 729-0680 Fax: 729-5936
OR contact the INTRD office nearest you.


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