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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

The department works with industry, government departments and regional economic development boards to help economic growth and diversification in the agrifoods sector. Particular attention is given to value-added and secondary processing opportunities. In 2004, total farm cash receipts in Newfoundland and Labrador increased to $85.3 million. The main contributors to agrifoods growth were egg production, dairy products and floriculture and nursery products.

Sectoral development activities include:
   support for development of a Life Sciences strategy;
   participation in the development of a vegetable industry strategy;
   working with the Fur Strategy steering committee to carry out the
      recommendations identified within their strategy to attract foreign
      investment to this province;
   working with stakeholders to develop a cranberry commercialization
   networking to address training needs for the agrifoods sector;
   participation in the Northern Berry Initiative to develop action plan for
      innovation in and commercialization of bakeapples, lingonberries and
      sea buckthorn;
   providing leadership to the Blueberry Development Corporation in
      revitalizing their industry; and
   support for business attendance at trade shows.

To Find Out More
Title Contact Telephone Fax
Senior Agrifoods Industry Specialist Roger Churchill 729-7986 729-6853
Senior Business Analyst Janet Costigan 729-7071 729-6853
OR contact the INTRD office nearest you.

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