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Fourth annual Community Economic Development awards presented  Innovation, Trade and Rural Development Minister Kathy Dunderdale presented the annual Community Economic Development awards at a gala event in Rocky Harbour on the evening of November 6. The purpose of the Community Economic Development awards program is to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of individuals and organizations who have excelled as leaders in community economic development in Newfoundland and Labrador. 

The winners are: 

NorthLink of Labrador won the Excellence in Partnerships Award that recognizes exceptional efforts and achievements of organizations working together to achieve positive results in community economic development. 

Harold Mullowney of Bay Bulls received the Outstanding Individual Achievement Award that recognizes the distinguished contribution of an individual to community economic development.

The Labrador Fishermen’s Union Shrimp Company Limited received the Excellence in Fostering Entrepreneurship Award that recognizes an organization’s or an individual’s distinguished effort to promote, mentor and/or foster entrepreneurship at the community level. 

The Organizing Committee Big Land Fair of Labrador received the Innovation in Education Award that recognizes exceptional efforts and achievements of an individual or group in bringing together education and community economic development programs and activities for the betterment of their communities. 

Jamie Pye of Labrador received the Excellence in Youth Leadership Award. This award recognizes a young person or youth group which has demonstrated exceptional initiative, visibility, leadership and success in engaging youth in community economic development. 

Bride Martin of St. Vincent’s received the Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognizes an individual or organization whose work has made a lasting contribution to the economic development of a community or whose work over an extended period has consistently empowered people to foster economic growth at the community level.

The winners were selected from 65 nominations received for the awards. Nominations were judged by an awards committee consisting of four representatives drawn from the 20 regional economic development boards and representatives from the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Municipalities; Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Co-operatives; Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development; Canada Business Development Corporation; and Futures in Newfoundland and Labrador Youth (FINALY).

For more information, contact
Community Economic Development Awards Coordinator
Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
Confederation Building, West Block
P.O. Box 8700
St. John’s, NL AlB 4J6

Phone: (709) 729-5564
Fax: (709) 729-4858


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