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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

Colony of AvalonTurning the past into the future

For decades, the residents of Ferryland had heard the story about Lord and Lady Baltimore's 16th century Colony of Avalon. People from the community had been finding strange pottery pieces and other artifacts around the town for years. Then the Archaeology Department of Memorial University made some exciting discoveries, and a full scale archaeological dig began.

Now you might think once the archaeologists arrived the community would go about the usual routine and let the folks at MUN dig around and that's it. But the local people saw an opportunity. This was one of the earliest colonies in the New World. And one of the most elaborate, with stone streets and intricate gardens in keeping with the Baltimores' noble English background.

The people of Ferryland saw the potential of an interpretation centre, guided tours and a whole community benefiting from the dig. Today, their vision is a reality. Through a community partnership with Memorial University, The Colony of Avalon employs more than 50 people in season. And Ferryland bustles with pride and visitors from all over the world. Local businesses are benefiting. The local economy grows stronger as the past continues to be turned into the future for Ferryland.

This is just one example of how a community is finding success in our growing tourism industry. It just goes to show that today's rural Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans are making their own way. Right here at home. Rural communities are making the most of opportunities to build success in a range of sectors, from information technology to value-added manufacturing.

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