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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

Hi-Point Industries
Soaking up the world's oil spills

Peat. You see it on the side of the road. In bogs. All around us. But what is it good for? If you ask Hi-Point Industries in Bishop's Falls, they'll say it's good for business. Hi-Point exists for peat's sake. Specifically, to make peat products for gardening and for oil absorbency. Yes, oil absorbency. You see, peat has this remarkable ability to soak up oil spilled in water or on land. And Hi-Point's peat product is a favorite of international oil companies and Coast Guards for cleaning up such marine mishaps. The 30 employees of Hi-Point can boost their peat's use in 26 countries around the world.

The folks at Hi-Point are now experimenting with different additives to make their peat even better. But providing a quality product is not the only route to success. Hi-Point believes great service is the key to landing new customers. With great service, a great product and a great attitude, the company should be soaking up the benefits of peat for years to come.

The success of Hi-Point Industries is rooted in a philosophy of adding value to a traditional (or not so traditional) resource to open new markets. This kind of thinking just goes to show that today's rural Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans are making their own way. Right here at home. Rural communities are making the most of opportunities to build success in a range of sectors, from information technology to value-added manufacturing.

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                                                                              Last updated: February 21, 2004