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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network
The purpose of Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) is to create sustainable employment in areas where jobs are scarce, help develop the local economy and provide opportunities for unemployed individuals to get some meaningful work experience. For example, if a community wants to develop its tourism potential, it could design a project to research the historical, geographical, entertainment and sports attractions that could be promoted to bring tourists into the area. Through the collaborative efforts in a JCP project, local economy gets a needed boost, to allow local employers to generate more business and hire additional long term staff.

Projects are carried out in partnership with other local organizations such as the province, private sector, Labour unions and community groups. These partnership agreements would include the benefits to be derived by workers/clients and the number of long and short term jobs that will be created after the project ends. All project partners should contribute in some material way to meeting the project's needs.

The impetus for a JCP may come from a partner agency or from employers, government agencies, unions or other organizations in the community. JCP can be used wherever there is a development need and an opportunity to give unemployed workers the chance to gain some work experience that can lead to long-term employment.

Eligible Applicants:
Eligible sponsors/employers are encouraged to provide a top-up for clients in order to meet the prevailing wage rate. Those eligible include:
  • For profit businesses;
  • Not-for-profit organizations;
  • Municipal governments;
  • Bands/Tribal Councils;
  • Public Health and Educational Institutions

Eligible Applicants: Eligible Workers/Job Seekers
Eligible Workers/Job Seekers must

  • Be legally entitled to work in Canada;
  • Be eligible for Employment Benefits;
  • Meet locally defined priorities.

Available Funding: Contributions to Sponsors/Employers
Normally, partners contribute to the material and capital costs of job creation activities, including a top up to client's wages. Overhead costs for non-profit organizations can be negotiated with the local HRCC.

Available Funding: Income Support For Workers/Job Seekers
Active EI claimants will receive insurance benefits, and may receive a top-up to the maximum insurance benefit rate payable if applicable, and may also receive a top-up by the employer to meet the prevailing wage rate. Non-active EI claimants will receive a locally determined rate and other appropriate financial assistance negotiated as per need, and may also receive a top-up by the employer to meet the prevailing wage rate Clients may also receive other personal supports based on established need, such as childcare, transportation, disability costs Income support paid is taxable, but not insurable.

Negotiable for up to 52 weeks, but normally 26 weeks.

Eligible Activities
This program is administered by local partner agencies. The mix of interventions (Employment Benefits and Support Measures) available in a community, and the amount of funding available for each, will vary between areas. Activities funded will depend on locally targeted client groups, and locally prioritized Labour market sectors.

To Find Out More
Please contact your local Human Resource Centre of Canada (HRCC) for details for your community or the INTRD office nearest you.

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