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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

Local Labour Market Partnerships (LLMP) enable the creation of community partnerships and supports the development of strategies to expand a community's employment base and enhance local economic success. LLMP allows employment interventions to be strategically situated within a broader planning framework for the development of individuals and the community as a whole.

LLMP encourages and enables communities to take responsibility for their own employment related needs. It is the vehicle through which Regions and local offices can experiment with approaches to improve the functioning of their labour markets and address local labour force priorities. It does so by encouraging the creation of jobs, the development of employment skills and supporting economic development research strategies and experimentation at the local and regional level provided those activities include the involvement and concurrence of community partners.

Employers can benefit from LLMP in various ways. For example, they can directly participate in the development of local economic strategies or projects, help identify the local labour force skills that employers need within the community or they can contribute to local job creation

Eligible Applicants: Sponsors/Employers

  • For profit businesses
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Municipal Governments
  • Bands/Tribal Councils
  • Public Health and Educational Institutions

Eligible Applicants: Individuals
Assistance may be provided to individuals who are employed and facing a loss of employment.

Available Funding                                                           
Contributions to Sponsors/employers.
Overhead costs negotiable based on contributions from partners.

Eligible Activities
This program is administered by local partner agencies. The mix of interventions (Employment Benefits and Support Measures) available in a community, and the amount of funding available for each, will vary between areas. Activities funded will depend on locally targeted client groups, and locally prioritized Labour market sectors.

To Find Out More
Please contact your local Human Resource Centre of Canada (HRCC) for details for your community or the INTRD office nearest you.

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