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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

Dr. Hilary Rodrigues, a successful dentist, has long been interested inMrs. Marie-France Rodrigues economic development. In 1993, he acquired a permit to make wine using local blueberries, a practice quite common before Confederation. His first batch of 500 cases sold in 10 days. This year Markland Winery near Whitbourne will produce 25,000 cases of wine from blueberries, partridgeberries, bakeapples and strawberries. Eighty per cent will be exported.

"In Newfoundland the creation of wealth is dependent on exporting," says Dr. Rodrigues who exports wines across Canada, to the United States and Japan.

Markland wines are remarkably pure being made from wild berries having no herbicides or other contaminants, which has also allowed Markland to become Canada's only registered producer of kosher wines.

Recently, Dr. Rodrigues purchased a distillery from St. Pierre which may allow him to produce pear and plum brandy, blueberry schnapps, bake apple liqueur and vermouth. A distillery could increase Markland's production by an additional 20,000 cases a year.

Finally, Dr. Rodrigues has discovered that Newfoundland berries have some of the highest concentrations of anti-oxidants in North America, which has him planning to enter the nutraceutical, or non-prescription food supplement industry. He is experimenting with seabuckthorn, a plant imported from Siberia. Dr. Rodrigues bubbles with confidence. "I am a strong believer that here in Newfoundland and Labrador we have the talent, the resources, and the people to make a difference."

News Releases  News
Rodrigues Winery honoured with Exporter of the Year Award
(Interprovincial Trade category)

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                                                                               Last updated: February 21, 2004