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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network
he Self Employment Benefit is designed to help unemployed people start their own business, thereby creating jobs for themselves and others. Clients are provided with various types of support during the period when they start up their business. Support would include guidance in areas such as idea generation, business planning, marketing, accounting and coaching in start-up matters.

Eligible Applicants
Sponsors or employers must have expertise in business development and in assisting unemployed workers, and must select clients for suitability, taking into account local economic conditions, the community planning context, the local Human Resource Centre of Canada's (HRCC) business plan and targeted clients.

Eligible Sponsors/Employers
  • For profit businesses
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Municipal governments
  • Bands/tribal councils
  • Public health & educational institutions

Eligible Workers/Job Seekers must

  • Be legally entitled to work in Canada
  • Be eligible for employment benefits
  • Have a viable business idea
  • Be motivated and committed to starting own business
  • Contribute own money/work equipment towards business
  • Business must fall within locally defined priorities

Available Funding: Contributions to Sponsors/Employers

  • Costs for coaching
  • Overhead costs

Available Funding: Income Support for Workers/Job Seekers
Active EI claimants continue to receive benefits for the balance of their claim period, thereafter, income support will be based on a locally determined rate. Non-active claimants may receive income support based on a locally determined rate.

Clients may also receive other personal supports based on established need, such as childcare, transportation, disability costs. Income support paid is taxable, but not insurable. Revenue generated from the business is not treated as income for the purposes of calculating financial assistance nor is it deducted from EI payments.

Negotiable for up to 52 weeks.

Eligible Activities
Self Employment is administered by local partner agencies (Sponsors/Coordinators) who evaluate the individual's business idea, assess whether the individual is a suitable candidate and provide the support mentioned above. Clients interested in Self Employment must be EI eligible and have a viable business idea to start a business. In addition, they must attend an initial orientation and assessment for suitability with the partner agency.

The mix of interventions (Employment Benefits and Support Measures) available in a community, and the amount of funding available for each, will vary between areas. Activities funded will depend on locally targeted client groups, and locally prioritized Labour market sectors.

To Find Out More
Please contact your local Human Resource Centre of Canada (HRCC) for details for your community or the INTRD office nearest you.

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