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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

Showing our stuff in Silicon Valley

Can you make a career out of a university project? If you work at ZeddComm, a St. John's-based information technology firm, the answer is a resounding yes. ZeddComm began life at the hands of a group of Memorial University Engineering graduates that designed an innovative product for a satellite antenna. They knew it would work. So rather than remain students with an idea, they became entrepreneurs with a company. That was in 1992.


Today, ZeddComm is a major information technology player and the largest privately-held software developer in the province. They count the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Cisco Systems in San Jose, and various companies in California's Silicon Valley as clients. Their work in e-commerce is breaking new ground. And some of their projects have even ended up on the space shuttle for experimentation. That's a long way from notebooks and exams.

Their client list reflects a philosophy of thinking globally. So does their advice to new companies: "Look beyond your own borders, there's a big market out there."

ZeddComm is finding success in our rapidly growing IT sector. It just goes to show that today's Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans are making their own way. Right here at home. We're making the most of opportunities to build success in a range of sectors, from information technology to value-added manufacturing.


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