Fisheries and Aquaculture
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Year In Review 1998 Year In Review 1999

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2006 - 2008 1 mb  

Annual Report   

  The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Annual Report 2004-05  
The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Annual Report 2003-04  
  The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Annual Report 2002-03
The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Annual Report 2001-02  

Year In Review 

The 2006 Seafood Industry Year In Review 1 mb
The 2005 Seafood Industry Year In Review 1 mb
The 2004 Seafood Industry Year In Review 1 mb
The 2003 Seafood Industry Year In Review
  The 2002 Seafood Industry Year In Review  
  The 2001 Seafood Industry Year In Review  
The 2000 Seafood Industry Year In Review  
The 1999 Seafood Industry Year In Review   
The 1998 Seafood Industry Year In Review  
The 1997 Seafood Industry Year In Review  

Special Studies


A Strategy for the Recovery and Management of Cod Stocks in Newfoundland and Labrador 610 kb
Fish Processing Policy Review (Dunne Report)
Report on the Review of the Fishing Industry Collective Bargaining Act (Jones Report)
White Paper - Joint Management of Newfoundland and Labrador Fisheries
The Newfoundland and Labrador All-Party Committee on the 2J3KL and 3Pn4RS Cod Fisheries (PDF)
All-Party Committee Public Consultations on the FPI Act 
Task Force on Fish/Crab Prices (Vardy Report) 
Aquaculture Conflict Management Study  
Report of the Special Panel on Corporate Concentration (Dean Report)


   A Simulation Model of the Response of
Harp Seals to Alternative Harvesting

Fisheries Diversification Program
   Fisheries Diversification Information & Project Summaries

Fisheries Forum 2000 Summary Report 

St. John's Board of Trade - Outlook '99   

Fisheries and Aquaculture Industries At A Glance 1998  
Newfoundland Aquaculture Review 1997



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