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Your Group Insurance Claim Centres Have a Name!

Your new claim centres are now called Desjardins Financial Security Claims Service Centre.

Congratulations to Ms. Wendy Martin of St-John's, the lucky winner of the "Name That Claim Centre" contest.

Ms. Martin who works in the Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Commission agency submitted a single entry on June 14. Her prize is a trip for (2) to Toronto or Montreal, tickets to a hockey game and an overnight stay in a hotel. She also gets $500 in cash to spend on shopping and great dining!!

Desjardins Financial Security would like to thank everyone who sent in their suggestions.

If you need information about your group insurance plan, contact your dedicated call centre at 1-877-838-7763 or visit

Important Information on Your Group Insurance Plan

This memo provides additional information about the change over of the Group Insurance Plan from Medavie Blue Cross to Desjardins Financial effective August 1, 2006. It also lists some items you should keep in mind.

Prescription Drug Cards

  • Members will soon receive a new Desjardins prescription drug card; depending on where you work you may already have received your card(s). You should hold on to your Blue Cross card until you receive the new card and only begin using the new card after July 31, 2006. The Medavie Blue Cross card will not be effective after July 31, 2006. The new cards look different than the old Blue Cross cards. For example, they do not show your dependents; however the dependents are kept on file by the insurer, Desjardins. If you need to make changes in your dependent information, simply notify your usual contact at your place of work.
  • If you have any questions you can call 1 – 877-838-7763 (after July 31st) or visit the website at The local service office will also have a contact number after July 31st.

Mail in Claims Submitted to Medavie Blue Cross

  • Medavie Blue Cross has stated they will not process mail in claims during the last 10 days of July.
  • Mail in claims will be sent by Blue Cross to Desjardins Financial for processing, therefore a delay in receiving reimbursement for these claims should be expected.
  • Desjardins Financial will open claims offices in St. John’s and Corner Brook. They are located at:
St. John’s*
The Village Mall
430 Topsail Road
(Top East Entrance – old Shoppers’ entrance)
Corner Brook*
Corner Brook Plaza
44 Maple Valley Road

*construction is underway at these locations and phone lines are not yet set up – they will be made available in the near future.

Claims History

  • The claims records maintained by Medavie Blue Cross will be transferred to Desjardins Financial. If you have reached your maximum, for example, with Visioncare with Medavie Blue Cross, that information will be transferred from Blue Cross to Desjardins Financial. For example, if you submitted a claim for Visioncare in 2005 and were not eligible for a new pair of glasses until 2008, you will still not be eligible for Visioncare until 2008.

Coordination of Benefits

  • If your spouse has group insurance coverage with another employer and you have been submitting claims to both plans using the Coordination of Benefits provision, you will continue to be eligible to do so. Medavie Blue Cross is working on the transfer of these records to Desjardins Financial however, in the short term, you could be asked by a provider such as a pharmacist to reconfirm your spouse’s coverage.

Direct Deposit

  • The claims offices in St. John’s and Corner Brook will no longer issue actual cheques. However, if you prefer to receive a cheque you can still submit your claim to the claims office and your reimbursement cheque will be mailed to you. Staff will process claims given to them and deposit the payment directly to your bank account. For most banks and trust companies, this direct deposit process will take between 2 days and 4 days once the direct deposit feature is set up. You can set up this feature by going to the website at to obtain the form or you can obtain the form at the claims office in St. John’s or Corner Brook at the address noted above.

News on Your Group Insurance Plan

Effective August 1, 2006 the administration and underwriting of the employee benefits plan sponsored by Government of Newfoundland and Labrador will move from Medavie Blue Cross to Desjardins Financial Security (DFS). This includes all benefits (Group Life and AD&D, Long Term Disability, Health, Dental, etc.).

The Plan provider is reviewed approximately every five years through a request for proposals process. The process is designed to ensure that employees are provided with quality service while keeping premiums as low as possible.

The Group Insurance Committee which is comprised of employers, unions (NAPE, CUPE, Allied Health, NLNU), managers and pensioner representatives oversees the various group insurance programs.

The change to DFS as service provider will not impact any of the current coverages or premiums. You will receive a new drug card in late July, and claims for drugs currently covered by the plan will be paid by DFS as of August 1st. DFS is working with Government’s consultant, Mercer Human Resource Consulting and the Group Insurance Committee, to ensure the most seamless transition possible. At this point, employees don’t need to do anything.

On August 1, DFS will open offices in St. John’s and Corner Brook to process claims. These centres will operate in a manner similar to the existing Quickpay centres.

DFS has clients all over Canada including the Ottawa/Carlton Teachers Association, Quebec Nurses’ Union, information technology firm CGI and the City of St. John’s. They are a well-known insurance and securities company with a solid national reputation for excellent service.

For more information on DFS, visit their website at

Updates to the Group Insurance Plan - Q & A

The Public Service Secreteriat, and the Group Insurance Committee are working closely with Government's new group insurer, Desjardins Financial Services (DFS) to ensure a smooth transition of insurance coverages.

DFS has prepared a brief "Question and Answer" below for circulation to all employeees who are members to keep you informed of the process as it unfolds.

DFS has committed their expertise and resources to help manage the Group Insurance Program. As the process continues, DFS asks members for patience and cooperation.

Who is "Desjardins"?    top

DFS is owned by the largest financial Co-Operative in Canada and it is also the 4th largest insurance provider of group insurance benefits in the country. The Group Insurance Committee has confidence in their ability to partner with you and the Government. Our benefits consultants (Mercer Human Resource Consulting) also have many years of proven experience with DFS.

Will my benefits be affected?    top

NO - The change in carriers does not affect your benefits. Although there may be some changes in procedure, one of the factors in deciding who the new insurance carrier would be was their ability to match the existing benefits program for our employees and pensioners.

Is the change effective immediately?     top

NO - The change to DFS will be effective on August 1st; until then Medavie Blue Cross will continue to serve the plan

Do I need to fill out a new enrolment form?    top

NO - DFS will use your existing member information (on file with Medavie Blue Cross) to transfer your coverage.

Will I receive a new Drug Card and/or Certificate?     top

YES - Although we will use your existing employee information, a new card with DFS name will be provided to you prior to the changeover on August 1st. To keep the change to a minimum, the ID number (or certificate number) used will be a variation of your existing plan ID number.

Will my pharmacist be aware of the change?    top

YES - DFS will notify all pharmacists across the province of the change. We are also aware that there a number of retirees living outside the province so notices will go out to ALL pharmacy associations.

What happens if I submit a claim during the transition?    top

We’ll keep it simple - It doesn’t matter what the date of service was. Any claims to be submitted prior to August 1st should be submitted to Medavie Blue Cross and any claims to be submitted after August 1st should be submitted to DFS.

Will there be any disruption of service?     top


Will there still be local claims payment centres?    top

Yes, the claims payment offices will continue to be located in St. John's and Corner Brook but in new, convenient locations (to be announced in the upcoming weeks) and under a new name.

Who do I call if I have a question?     top

There will be a dedicated 1-800 number for members to call beginning on August 1st. Over the next few weeks, HR Administrators will receive information that will help them answer your questions. Also, information will continue to be posted via PSN.

I am currently approved for / am taking a medication which requires special authorization. Do I need to re-apply for authorization?    top

NO - DFS is being provided with a list of all members currently approved for special authorization along with the effective date and termination dates of that approval.

I am currently receiving Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits with Medavie Blue Cross. How will my benefits be affected?    top

Your LTD benefits will continue to be paid on an on-going basis by Medavie Blue Cross. LTD benefits continue to be the responsibility of the insurer that was in place when the claim was incurred.

I am currently on maternity leave or authorized leave of absence. What happens to me?    top

If you have elected to continue any benefits during this period, those same benefits will be extended as per the current arrangement with Medavie Blue Cross and the plan sponsor.

Watch for further updates on this process and a chance to win a great prize….all coming up soon.

Deborah Pennell
Director of Communications
Department of Finance and Public Service Secretariat
(709) 729-6830



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