News Releases
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By Date

October 26
Premier Roger Grimes - Speaking notes to RuralExpo Opening Plenary Session
Minister of Industry, Trade and Rural Development - Speaking notes to RuralExpo Opening Plenary Session

October 18
Premier Roger Grimes - Presentation to Senate Committee on National Finance reviewing equalization program

October 12
Minister of Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs - Speaking notes to Meeting of Newfoundland and Labrador RED Boards

October 11
Minister of Mines and Energy - Speaking notes on Voisey's Bay negotiations to St. John's Board of Trade

April 11
Minister of Mines and Energy - Speaking Notes to Voisey’s Bay

March 31
Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs - Speaking notes to Directions North: Labrador in the New Century

January 19
Premier's speaking notes to St. John's Board of Trade - Business Outlook 2001

January 17
Premier's Presentation to Business Outlook 2001

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