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February 13
Speaking Notes for Minister Tom Rideout - Address to the Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters, February 9, 2006

March 31
Premier Danny Williams - Response to the Speech from the Throne 2006, Wednesday, March 22, 2006

April 3
Minister Tom Rideout - NAIA Annual General Meeting -
March 30, 2006

June 6
Minister Loyola Sullivan - FMI Conference - June 6, 2006

June 19
Minister Tom Rideout - Canadian Farmed Seafood Summit 2006 - June 15, 2006

September 26
Minister Tom Marshall - Address to the Graduation Ceremonies Troop #2 2006/2007 Depot Division - September 25, 2006

September 27
Honourable Tom Rideout - Address to Aquavision 2006, Stavanger, Norway - September 27, 2006

October 3
Premier Williams - Brand Launch, October 3, 2006
Honourable Kevin O’Brien - Brand Launch Event, October 3, 2006

November 17
Deputy Premier Tom Rideout - International Coldwater Prawn Forum, Nov 17, 2006


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