Violence Prevention Initiative
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Community Partners
The Violence Prevention Initiative of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador reflects government’s commitment to addressing the problem of violence in this province. The Initiative is a six year, multi-departmental, government - community partnership to find long term solutions to the problem of violence against those most at risk in our society - women, children, seniors, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable people who are victims of violence because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or economic status.
The Violence Prevention Initiative is coordinated by the Women’s Policy Office and fosters partnerships through collaboration with the Community Advisory Committee and with partner departments and agencies which include the Departments of Justice, Health and Community Services, Education, Human Resources, Labour and Employment, Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs, along with the Rural Secretariat, the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation and the Labour Relations Agency.

The vision of the Violence Prevention Initiative is that women, children and youth, Aboriginal women and children, seniors, persons with disabilities and others who are victims of violence because of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or economic status will face less violence and live and work in communities where violence is considered unacceptable.

By 2012 the Violence Prevention Initiative will provide leadership within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to reduce violence against vulnerable populations. Success will be measured through evidence of enhanced leadership, coordination, accountability, increased awareness, greater community capacity, improved legislation, policy, programs and services, effective evidence-based research, gender based analysis activities and mechanisms to support special initiatives of Aboriginal governments and organizations to reduce violence in Aboriginal communities.

Guiding Principles
The Initiative is based on a number of guiding principles. The core principle is that the social and cultural roots of violence are based on inequality. While women, children, seniors and persons with disabilities are more likely to be victims of violence, other factors such as disability, sexual orientation, economic status or racial origin can put them at even higher risk. Society reinforces violence through expressions of sexism, ageism, classism, heterosexism, racism and other biased attitudes.

Government has designed a multi-faceted violence prevention initiative which over the next six years will lay a solid foundation for the long-term goal of reducing the incidence of violence in the province. This action plan, Taking Action Against Violence, will be the blueprint for building stronger, resilient communities with strategies and resources to stop the growth of violence and hopefully reduce violence dramatically in our province.

View The Violence Prevention Initiative's Six Year Plan
  Taking Action Against Violence 2006-2012 (PDF)

If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact us.

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