Violence Prevention Initiative
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Emergency Protection Orders

Family violence legislation provides options

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Family Violence Protection Act provides victims of family violence with more options and choices in the justice system. Family violence legislation provides immediate responses for victims of family violence in emergency situations. It fills a void in the justice process for victims by providing a broader range of more immediate remedies than those available through the Criminal Code.

When police respond to a family violence call, often it is the victim and children who must leave the home in a police car to be transported to a safe shelter. Through Emergency Protection Orders, (EPO) this legislation provides, for the victim to remain in the family home where they can have uninterrupted access to school, family, employment and community support, along with temporary possession or control of personal property for the applicant (i.e., vehicle, medical cards, I.D. documents), temporary care and custody of children, among other things.

Applications for Emergency Protection Orders will be able to be made on an ex parte basis
(the other side is absent or unrepresented), 24 hours a day, seven days a week and a victim can apply in person at a Provincial Court during regular court hours without a lawyer, in order to make such applications. This also provides for the expansion of access to justice for people residing in areas where there is no court.

Family violence is a serious matter and government is committed to developing better and more effective tools to help victims of family violence.

For more information view the Family Violence Protection Act

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