Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
The Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador is an organization of individuals and groups working towards the preservation of our cultural and natural heritage.
MANL's objective is to:

  • provide a communications network among museums and heritage societies within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador;

  • and to provide programs relevant to the needs/interests of museums, heritage societies and to their staff throughout the province.

Museum Assistance Program cuts news

Thank yout to everyone who participated in our recent online wreath auction fundraiser. It was a successful trial run and we'll keep you posted about other fundraising events!

*Advertize in MANL's Newsletter  pdf acrobat.jpg (1298 bytes)


P.O. Box 5785
St. John's, NL, Canada
A1C 5X3
Tel: 709-722-9034
Fax: 709-722-9035



        april insert pic.jpg (18759 bytes)  
pdf acrobat.jpg (1298 bytes)Read MANL's    
Collections Management Supplement
(Winter 2006)


      Click here to see MANL
members' events!

Info on our recent Conference/AGM


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