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Interdisciplinary Arts Programs

Newfoundland Studies

Memorial University is home to a wealth of information and expertise on all things relating to the unique place that is Newfoundland and Labrador. Through the Faculty of Arts, students can tap into this knowledge to pursue a multi-disciplinary minor in Newfoundland Studies.

An alternative to a minor offered by a single department, the program allows students to study Newfoundland and Labrador society and culture through a variety of approaches. It draws on courses from several departments, including history, geography, political science, English literature, linguistics, anthropology, sociology and folklore.

The University Calendar offers more detailed information on requirements and course content.

Students will find that their studies are greatly enhanced at Memorial by our unparalleled collection of library and archival materials, including those in the Centre for Newfoundland Studies at the QE II Library, which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. As well, Memorial publishes an acclaimed scholarly journal Newfoundland and Labrador Studies.

For more information on this field of study, contact Program Coordinator Hans Rollman.

Certificate in Newfoundland Studies

The Certificate Program in Newfoundland Studies is offered through the Division of Lifelong Learning. It is designed for individuals who wish to expand their knowledge of Newfoundland and Labrador society and culture. The program will be useful to persons involved in fields such as community; rural and northern development; cultural affairs; tourism; education; and archival and library services. Learn more about the certificate program.