Fisheries and Aquaculture
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Acts and Regulations


The operation of the Department is governed by the following Acts:

  Fisheries Act  (Schedule C of the Executive Council) 

  • Provides for Ministerial authority to collect and effectively utilize information from fishing enterprises and businesses.
  Fish Inspection Act  and Regulations  
Enables the Department to: 
  • Conduct fish product inspections,
  • Regulate buying, processing and licensing activities,
  • Market fish products,
  • Set and enforce quality standards for the marketing of fish and fish products.
  Fish Processing Licensing Board 

  Aquaculture Act  and Regulations  
Enables the Department to:
  • Impose a licensing and enforcement regime based on developmental and commercial aquaculture,
  • Confer property rights on a lessee to an area of sea bottom and water column,
  • Protect fish health and the environment,
  • Set aquaculture equipment,
  • Establish access and egress by the public around or through aquaculture sites,
  • And resolve conflicts between resource users.

Other less direct legislation relating to the Department’s activities includes:

  Fisheries Loan Act

  • This legislation has been retained to bring closure or settlement to past accounts and activities of the former Fisheries Loan Board.
  • The Act set out administrative guidelines for:
         -   The payment of bounties on the construction of fishing vessels,
         -   The financing of fishing vessels to qualifying fish harvesters, and
         -   The construction and equipment standards of vessels receiving assistance.
  Professional Fish Harvesters Act
  • This legislation allowed for the establishment of the  Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board (which operates at arms-length from government).
  • The Board’s main responsibilities include: 
         -   The promotion of the interests of fish harvesters as a professional group;
         -   Defining the standards for professionalization;
         -   Advising governments on fisheries policies;
         -   Maintaining a fish harvester registration system;
         -   Issuing certificates of accreditation;
         -   Developing and enforcing a Code of Ethics; and
         -   Providing an appeals procedure.
  Fisheries Restructuring Act
  • This Act ratified and confirmed an agreement of September 1983, between the Governments of Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador, concerning restructuring of the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery.
  Fishery Products International Limited Act
  • Allows for the formation of Fishery Products International Limited.
  Fishing Industry Collective Bargaining Act
  • The Fishing Industry Collective Bargaining Act outlines the legistation governing collective bargaining between harvesters and processors.

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