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Policy Manual

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Complete Policy Manual (pdf - 3mb)
Table of Contents  (pdf - 71kb)
1.0 Policy Overview  (pdf - 115kb)
2.0 Definitions  (pdf - 109kb)
3.0 Licensing Criteria  (pdf - 150kb)
4.0 Application Process  (pdf - 92kb)
5.0 Licensing Policies  (pdf - 116kb)
6.0 Other Policies & Procedures  (pdf - 134kb)
7.0 Species Licence Appeals  (pdf - 99kb)

Annex Listings
A - Licencing Fees  (pdf - 83kb)
B - Application Forms  (pdf - 192kb)
C - Application Fees  (pdf - 68kb)
D - Advertisement Specifications  (pdf - 279kb)
E - NAFO Management Zones  (pdf - 1086kb)

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