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Marketing Services

Fisheries and Aquaculture
The following is a brief description of the marketing services provided by the Processing and Marketing Services Division.  It should be noted that these are services, not financial assistance programs for which clients can apply for direct financial assistance.  Financial assistance for various marketing related initiatives may be available through the Fisheries Diversification Program.

  Market Research and Market Intelligence

  Market Development
  Seafood Education

  Seafood Promotions

  Seal Research and Development

Market Research and Market Intelligence

Conducts market intelligence research and maintains an overview of current market conditions for major species. The primary focus is to support the current fish price negotiations process by providing current marketing information to fishers and fish processors' representatives during the negotiating period.

For more information, contact the fisheries webmaster.

Market Development
Assists industry in the development of new market opportunities, and the development of new products and the improvement of existing products.

For more information, contact the fisheries webmaster.

Seafood Education

Supports educational programs targeted at promoting seafood to specific groups, including educational institutions, the hospitality industry, conferences and conventions, food retailers, and chefs.

For more information, contact the fisheries webmaster.

Seafood Promotions

Supports the promotion of Newfoundland and Labrador Seafood at high profile events and activities in association with hotels, private companies or other government departments.

For more information, contact the fisheries webmaster.

Seal Research and Development

Provides support for research and development and market development initiatives for seal and seal products.

For more information, contact the fisheries webmaster.


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