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Licencing - Aquaculture

The Department is the lead agency for aquaculture in Newfoundland and Labrador, and issues all aquaculture site licences. All applications are forwarded to other agencies for approval.


Licencing Process

   Before applying
   Applying for a licence
   Application Requirements

   The review process
   Ready to go

   Application Form

   Need Help?


  Before Applying

Ask yourself:

  • Is Aquaculture for you? (Aquaculture is difficult and challenging work, and the rewards are not immediate. Adequate initial funds are essential.)
  • Are you ready to be an entrepreneur?
  • Are there any appropriate sites available that would not interfere with other fishing industries or personal use?

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  Applying for a Licence

You must decide on:

  • The species (shellfish or finfish);
  • The type of operation (hatchery, cage culture, land-based farm); and
  • Site location

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  Application Requirements

New applicants must:

  • Demonstrate expertise and or training in required technical and managerial functions.
  • Obtain two sets of 1:50,000 "National Topographical" maps indicating site location and layout.
  • Identify the species and strain, and the type of operation.
  • Submit an acceptable Business Plan.  (for commercial licences).
  • Submit specific site information.
  • Disclose environmental concerns and/or conflicts.
  • Submit Crown lands application for land leasing.
  • Submit a Production and Harvesting Plan for the next 5 years.
  • Assess the site for water quality.

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A cheque or money order for ($330 per site) must accompany the application form, payable to the Newfoundland Exchequer Account. 
The crown lands application can be avoided if the proposed form is land-based on private property.  In the event the application is rejected, the licence fee is refundable, however, crown lands and water use authorization fees are not.

Licence Type Cost
Aquaculture Licence Application
Crown Lands Application
Water Use Authorization/5yrs
Total    $330.00
Aquaculture Licence Annual Renewal $100.00/site

For more information please contact 709 292-4105.

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  The Review Process

Provided all adequate information has been provided the licencing process requires a minimum of 6 - 12 months from submission to finalization. The approval process involves the input of 17 agencies or departments.

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  Ready to go

You can now put your plan into action. Please remember to:

  • Carry out what you have outlined in your plan,
  • Lay gear according to your plan,
  • Have an approved "Transfer and Transport" permit, if you need to move fish,
  • Apply for a renewal if you wish to carry out the operation (the licence is only good for one year, at the end of this time you must submit data on the site, with your renewal).

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  Application Form

To receive an application form, contact  a Aquaculture Representative

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  Need Help?

For more information please contact your Aquaculture Representative


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