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Fisheries Trivia
Choose your answer by clicking on the appropriate button. Once all your answers have been selected click on the "Submit Answers" button to view your score. Good luck and have fun!

1  All fish are edible.
    True   False
2  Which of the following North Atlantic species is a groundfish?
    Cod   Lobster   Capelin   Salmon
3  All inshore fishermen are allowed to fish any marine species of commercial value.
    True   False
4  Fifty years ago, most fishermen saved a valuable extract from what part of a cod?
    Stomach   Liver   Gall Bladder   Kidneys
5  Merasheen Island, Placentia Bay, was named by the French for its abundance of the following.
    Rocks   Seals   Seaweed   Crab
6  Which type of gear is used only in the inshore fishery?
    Gillnet   Purse Seine   Otter Trawl   Cod Trap
7  Offshore boats can harvest any species any time of year.
    True   False
8  The quality of fish processed is more important than the quantity.
    True   False
9  Before World War II most fishermen processed their own fish, with the help of their families.
    True   False
10  There are only two ways to process fish - salting and freezing.
    True   False

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