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Newfoundland and Labrador Trivia
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1  The Grand Banks, part of Canada's continental shelf is primarily located off of which Newfoundland coasts?
    Northeast   Southwest   Northwest   Southeast
2  The most important fish harvested in Newfoundland from the early 1500's to the mid 1900's was which one of the following?
    Cod   Capelin   Turbot   Salmon
3  Which of the following countries was the first to send an organized fishing fleet to Newfoundland?
    France   England   Spain   Portugal
4  The early French fishermen in Newfoundland were mostly interested in salmon.
    True   False
5  John Cabot, the man who is traditionally credited with discovering Newfoundland in 1497, was Italian.
    True   False
6  100 years ago, women were rarely involved in the Newfoundland fishery.
    True   False
7  Who were the earliest whalers to visit the island of Newfoundland?
    Basque   Beothuks   Germans   Vikings
8  In the 1800's, which of the following towns had the most control over the fish trade in Newfoundland?
    Carbonear   Corner Brook   St. John's   Marystown
9  Newfoundland's earliest permanent settlers came from which of the following countries?
    England   France   Spain   Portugal
10  In the early years of Newfoundland settlement, fishermen never farmed.
    True   False

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