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1999 Fishery
The Newfoundland and Labrador fishery in 1999 had a record setting year with total production value exceeding $1 billion.


This production value is the highest in the provinces history, a 25% increase over 1998.
The landed value of shellfish specie increased 43% over 1998, leading the industry.
Landed value for all species increased to $511 million up from $364 million in 1998.  Total landings also showed an increase.
  Groundfish landings increased 33.8% from the previous year.

Newfoundland enhanced its positive image in the global marketplace in 1999 by continuing to produce top quality products.
Peak processing employment increased from 13,000 people in 1998 compared to 16,700 in 1999.

The Fishery contributed significantly to the economy providing 12% of total provincial employment.
Strong employment growth and record landed values for shellfish and groundfish was achieved in 1999.


  The four main species being produced through aquaculture in Newfoundland and Labrador are:
  • Steelhead trout
  • Atlantic salmon
  • Blue mussels
  • Atlantic cod
  Blue Mussel production reached 1,700 metric tonnes in 1999, a 56% increase over 1998.
  Total salmonid production in Bay d'Espoir reached 2,478 metric tonnes in 1999, a 70% increase over 1998.
  The grow-out of wild caught Atlantic cod produced 105 metric tonnes in 1999 from 7 sites.


Metric Tonnes

% of increase over 1998

Blue Mussels 1,700 50%
(Bay d'Espoir)
2,478 70%
Atlantic Cod
Grow-Out (7 sites)
  The total export value of the industry in 1999 was $18 million, a 74% increase over 1998.


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